I'm reading what is perhaps the funnest and most authentic Christian memoir ever: Angry Conversations with God: A Snarky but Authentic Spiritual Memoir
She writes about sex, saying at one point:
But according to American evangelical churchianity, I’d committed a sin worse than murder or genocide or trying to set myself up as a deity. I’d had sex!
She learned this in her church:
Instead he produced two large pieces of cardboard that had been glued together. “Sexual intercourse is made for the covenant of marriage. It is a binding act that unites two into one flesh. But if you engage in sexual intercourse outside of marriage—” Pastor Norman yanked the two pieces apart. They shredded into chunks, one side clinging to the other, destroying the cardboard completely. “This is what happens if you have sex outside of marriage.” Well, okay then. Not doing that. He began reciting from his notes. “Sexual intercourse…” His Fargo accent turned the words into a sourball: “SECK-shull INN-turr-course.
The question is, did her pastor get it right?
This question is related to:
- What does the Bible say about sex before marriage / premarital sex?
- What's is the case for premarital sex being an instance of πορνεία (porneia)?
But, I have a more focused question. Biblically, is there an example of a person or a clear doctrine wherein what most Americans / people in the West would consider premarital sex is specifically condemned?
Specifically excluded for this question are:
- adultery between two people where at least one is married (that seems to be the property crime in Exodus) and
- prostitution (which seems to be the focus of 1 Corinthians 6).
- Sexual worship, wherein the sex in question is less about "casual intercourse" than in performing some sort of ritual worship
Casual Sex, I would argue, for most modern Westerners is usually a physical act of lust that may occur between unmarried people. I'm just trying to get a handle on that, separated from the case that Bibilically prohibited sex is a contractual and fealty-based matter rather than just two horny teenagers indulging their fleshy desires.
While I am open to an exegesis that would contradict these assumptions, I am looking for a biblical mandate against what I would call "casual sex," meaning an instance where sex occurs without exchange of money or breaking an existing marital contract. In leiu of a strict biblical injunction, what is the earliest condemnation of such a sexual relationship?