I am looking for a reference to St. Augustine that seems archaic and doesn't correspond to what I'm finding in my search. The reference is from Fr. James L. Meagher's 1906 book How Christ Said the First Mass, reprinted by TAN in 1984, p. 17, footnote #2:
2 S. Augustine, In Epist. Joan, ad Parthos, Tracts 11, n. 111.
As you might guess, it's the last part that is giving me grief: "Tracts 11, n. 111." This reference is provided in a footnote to Fr. Meagher's statement that
... the Temple story and worship carried their [the Jewish faithful's] minds, down to the days of Christ, to his Last Supper, to his atrocious death, to the Catholic Church with her Pontiff, her bishops, her priests, her sacraments and her millions of redeemed souls.