First of all I do see that a form of this question has already been asked and answered. Why does the Messiah have to be God?
This question is more specific though and I would appreciate it if the suggested answers are specific as well.
Fully Man I agree that Jesus had to become man, I believe this is VERY well supported in the bible. Hebrews 2:17-18, Hebrews 4:14-15 and much more.
Fully God? I know that Jesus himself claimed deity, (See all the references here:
Question: Why does Jesus have to be God himself? Is it not sufficient that he is the son of God? The son of God can still save, the son of God can still be our intercessor, the son of God can still have fully God attributes (because he is the only son of God), the son of God can still exist from before there was time. So back to the question, WHY does Jesus have to be God?
Please (as always) try to use scripture as the basis and foundation for supporting a response to "Why Jesus NEEDS to be fully God". Thank you so much!
I hope this question and thought process only brings us closer to God in our relationship with him.