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What are priests actually doing during confession in regards to forgiveness? [duplicate]

So I had a few debates with people who didn't like the catholic church. One of their reasons was, that priests would take on the role of God, by "forgiving" the sin. Now I am not a catholic ...
telion's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, if we sin and become repentant will our sins be forgiven too like St. Peter?

At the catechism class we learned that as Peter was repentant after betraying Jesus his sin was forgiven. If we sin, become repentant and do confessions will our sins be forgiven too? Or do we have to ...
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Does the Catholic church believe that God really forgives by confession alone?

My question is does the Catholic Church hold that God forgives every crime by confession alone? If so I could commit crimes from Monday to Saturday and then go and confess to a priest on Sunday - ...
Jithu R Jacob's user avatar