I am trying to familiarize myself more with more proper catholic doctrines declared by the Vatican II council for when I interact with Catholics, more than just reading the Catechism. A monumental task that I am slown down by the somewhat cryptic footnotes.
cf. St. Augustine, "De Catechizandis Rudibus," C.IV 8: PL. 40, 316. | the very first footnote of the very first constitution listed here, Deī Werbum.
It is fairly easy to understand: confer to "De Catechizandis Rudibus," by St. Augustine of Hippo circa IV... However, I can find nothing for Pl.
What source am I supposed to use? The only compy of the document I can find is not arranged in any such chapters or verses that this could mean, I have no idea. And the only usage of PL. I am acquanted with and can find is plural.
What is 4 8: plural 40, 316?
f. Council of Trent, session IV, loc. cit.: Denzinger 783 (1501).
What is Denzinger 783?
I can list far more examples, but it just looks very disorganised. I assume it is a very traditional way of doing it and there is nothing wrong with that, I am just both unfamiliar with this format and have no idea where they would want anyone else to look for these citations. This is meant to be the clear, dogmatic statement that can be checked back and back again to confirm what the all the council has decided on and what the catholic Church should hold in common, so I know it is not un-understandable.