I was watching a movie "Exodus - Gods and Kings" yesterday and I came to know about Moses. I am a Hindu by religion but I got curious about Moses and his deeds and how he brought changes to the lives of those Egyptian slaves.
I did some research on the internet but soon got clouded by all the terms I have never heard before. Hebrews & Samaritans, Hebrew Bible & Christian Bible and how they are interlinked, Connection between Israeli/Judism/Jews, Differnece between Catholic and Jews and different versions of Christian Bible - Old/New Testament.
I really want to understand how it all started but it seems like internet documents are so vast, I will get confused pretty quickly and to be honest, I have gone to some extent already!
Right now, I am looking for an unbiased explanations about all the above topics. I want to know if Modern Christanity has been affected by Moses and Hebrews/Judism and how all this get interlinked.
I know the explanations can be little lengthy but would really appreciate as this will clear out my doubts and confusions for good!