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svidgen's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
What is the Biblical or traditional precedent or command regarding praying before meals?
If I have time later (and if no one else has responded), I'll find a few OT and NT passages to support "grace" before meals. In the meantime, you may be interested to know that the larger Christian groups (Catholicism, Orthodox, and I assume Lutheranism) do prescribe prayer before bed, upon waking, before big tasks, before "starting the day", and at certain specific times through the day.
Luke 12 and going to work everyday
I like this answer. But, I might also add that work is an integral part of our purpose. If we're truly made in God's image, the natural expectation is that we do as God does: create, work, love ...
Can an atheist go to heaven?
But it is necessary to distinguish on different Church traditions! Catholicism, for example -- a very big Christian segment, mind you -- very explicitly declares that an atheist (or other non-Catholic) can effectively accept Christ and receive a spiritual baptism without fully understanding the historical (or prophesied) man, Jesus Christ. The same goes for failed understandings of God the Father and the Holy Spirit. And whether you believe this is irrelevant; your suggestion that it's a cut-and-dry answer across all of Christianity is simply false.
Does Christianity address the difference between joy and pleasure and how to manage them?
meant to copy/paste name of the first commenter (David Stratton) initially, not the OP!
Expectation of salvation for the poorly catechized
"Through no fault of their own" implies that they're guiltless. But, there's a question of whether the zoning is truly a fault-less and whether he/she, upon recognizing the problem, sincerely attempts to correct the situation. There's also the guilt of the onlooker(s) that might be important to consider, if you happen to be one!
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