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Did Blessed Virgin Mary hide her pregnancy from public eye?

We read in Luke 1:24-25 how Elizabeth, after conceiving John the Baptist, led a secluded life for five month, saying that God had taken away her disgrace of not having children. In first appearance, her hiding of the pregnancy does not go well with the sense of victory over the public disgrace. So, there could have been a reason behind the hiding. Incidentally, we see Blessed Virgin Mary staying with Elizabeth for three month after the Annunciation. Did she also want to stay away from the public view during the initial months of pregnancy ? Did it have anything to do with the political scenario under the regime of Herod who might have imposed forced abortion on Jewish ladies of certain lineage for fear of the prophesied birth of the Messiah ? My question therefore is : Did the Blessed Virgin Mary hide her pregnancy from public eye for sometime ? Views of scholars of any denomination are welcome.