If you really insist on the point of view:
- You shall have no other gods before Me.
Easy -- Eve allowed the serpent's advice to supersede the commands of God as she understood them. And Adam allowed Eve's invitation to supersede the commands of God.
Anytime you prioritize something above God, you are making that a god above God.
(But I've skipped a few important steps in there.)
- You shall not make or worship idols.
Not so easy, because we don't know that either Adam or Eve made anything with their hands, but we can always fall back on the abstract and point to the above.
- You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
As we all know, this is not just a commandment to avoid swearing. This is a commandment to take our covenants with God seriously.
Adam agreed to obey God's commands, so letting Eve convince him otherwise turned his covenant into a vain covenant.
(Did I mention that I'm playing fast and loose with logic?)
- Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
This one is also not so easy, because we don't know what days of which weeks were actually spent in the Garden, but we can assume that Adam and Even would find themselves in the position of needing to work on the Sabbath because of their necessary departure from the Garden, so they at least set themselves up to disobey this one.
(Did I mention ...)
- Honour your father and your mother.
They dishonored that being who made them.
- You shall not murder.
They made each other subject to death.
- You shall not commit adultery.
They didn't have permission yet.
(My conscience is hurting a little at this point.)
- You shall not steal.
The apple (or pomegranate or whatever) was not theirs to take!
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
Eve told only part of the truth to Adam, and Adam only admitted part of the truth to God.
- You shall not covet your neighbour's house, your neighbour's wife, your neighbour's servant, ox or donkey; or anything else that belongs to your neighbour.
Adam coveted Eve.
(And full of the worst sort of logical errors.)
The absolute first mistake in any attempt to say this sort of thing is to ignore Genesis 2: 25:
And they were both naked, the man and his wife,
and were not ashamed.
They were married by God Himself, and they were naive.
If that isn't good enough, remember verse 17:
But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it, ...
They did not know good from evil. They were innocent, like babes in the woods.
So, when the serpent beguiled them, they did not have the adult basis of judgment which would bring the full consciousness of guilt on them. That came after they ate the fruit.
It is true that they hid themselves from God while in the Garden, and, in a sense, that was dishonest, but it would have been less honest to have pretended nothing had happened. It would have also been less honest to have gone all "Ohhh! We have sinned!" on God, to try to work on His sympathies.
We, in our suspicious nature, tend to assume that Adam was blaming Eve when he said, "She gave it to me", and that he was blaming God when he said, "You married me to her." But he was stating the truth. And he finished it out and said, "I did eat." Ignoring the sequence of events would be false.
We can argue one way or another, but they did not actually bear false witness against themselves, against each other, or against anyone else. And they accepted their punishment.
Going back through the list, we have no basis to assign sin against any of the commandments given to Israel through Moses except the commandment to obey God. And, because they could not know good and evil without breaking that commandment, we really can't say they sinned, only that they disobeyed.
I assume the real question behind the question here is
How can we obey all the commandments that God gives us
when our first parents set such a bad example?
Either way, the question is a moot question, based on wrong assumptions, and will not tend to help us believe that Jesus will redeem us from our sins.