- God is the creator. The HS is not, but is prominent in God's creation process.
- we see from John that the logos is also prominent in creation, but God is still the creator.
- God alone is immortal, He is holy, He is spirit and invisible.
- God expresses Himself in word and deed by HIsHis logos and spirit.
Here we see that the child is God's, but the HS is the forcepower of God making it happen. Is the HS the father? No, God is. It is His spirit acting according to His will and purpose to make Mary pregnant.
- the HS has no name - God has plenty.
- in every vision of heaven, we see Jesus at God's right side but no HS anywhere. Of course God is spritspirit and invisible, yet visions make God apparent with His son and no one else except perhaps other heavenly beings.
There is no doubt the HS existsis an important part of the spiritual reality - yet it is always an expression of God, the Father, and now Jesus who is ascended and exalted to eternal life.
Jesus ruling out a third entity here without any ambiguity. The HS, if a separate entity/identity would, mustmust, know who Jesus is if the Father does. Of course there is no need for silly arguments about others who know Jesus. The devil knows who Jesus is, but not like the heavenly Father does and the HS would too if 'he' existed separately to the Father if God was a tripart God.
God's word and spirit are simply the outward expression and influence of God in all creation - no separate entities or convoluted theories needed. In fact, the inspired text consistently refutes such ideas.