The soul is your entire essence. In programming it would be your object. Your body is the physical representation of your object. Your mind would be similar to dynamically linking libraries of functions and user input. Your heart is like the user, making the decisions based on desires leveled by importance. The spirit is your attitude layer (spirit is your attitude layer(click for detaileddetailed explaination)) and is controlled by Faith and Denial. Faith describes "Faith in God repairing the threatening behavior". Denial describes "Faith in the flesh repairing the threatening behavior or completing the Mosaic Laws of Opposite Equal Reactions".
The Spirit Layer is similar to a Select Case If/Then Run-time. Case 1(Peace, Love, & Joy) Case 2(Anger) Case 3(Bargaining) Case 4(Depression) Case 5(Anxiety)
- Case 1: Peace, Love, & Joy
- Case 2: Anger
- Case 3: Bargaining
- Case 4: Depression
- Case 5: Anxiety
. Apparent..Apparent as the psychological Stages of Grief.
{Soul Layer : Start}
{Loop : Start}
{Active Layer :: $HeartFocus = $ControlledDetermination}
if ($CurrentLevelOfFaith = "Trust in God to complete Opposite Equal Reaction")
....{$SpiritLayer = "Peace, Love, & Joy"}
if ($CurrentLevelOfFaith = "Trust in Flesh to complete Opposite Equal Reaction")
....if ($HeartFocus = "Blame Another"){$SpiritLayer = "Anger"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Desire"){$SpiritLayer = "Bargaining"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Blame Self"){$SpiritLayer = "Depression"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Control"){$SpiritLayer = "Anxiety"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Forgiveness"){$SpiritLayer = "Peace, Love, & Joy"}
{Mind Calculates Action}
{Draw Body : Start}
{Draw Body : End}
{Loop : Go To Loop Start}
{Soul Layer : End}
{Soul Layer : Start}
{Loop : Start}
{Active Layer :: $HeartFocus = $ControlledDetermination}
if ($CurrentLevelOfFaith = "Trust in God to complete Opposite Equal Reaction")
....{$SpiritLayer = "Peace, Love, & Joy"}
if ($CurrentLevelOfFaith = "Trust in Flesh to complete Opposite Equal Reaction")
....if ($HeartFocus = "Blame Another"){$SpiritLayer = "Anger"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Desire"){$SpiritLayer = "Bargaining"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Blame Self"){$SpiritLayer = "Depression"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Control"){$SpiritLayer = "Anxiety"}
....if ($HeartFocus = "Forgiveness"){$SpiritLayer = "Peace, Love, & Joy"}
{Mind Calculates Action}
{Draw Body : Start}
{Draw Body : End}
{Loop : Go To Loop Start}
{Soul Layer : End}