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Sep 13, 2011 at 13:43 comment added Peter Turner @Caleb, why not wash your hands and face too? Maybe it's enough that the handmaid is pure? Also, if your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, whose body was more a temple of the Holy Spirit than Mary's? Not St. Anne's not Rahab's, not Ruth's, not Eve's - just Mary's. In one way the doctrine says, yes your body is important and sacred as Mary's was as the house of the soul. An important distinction to combat heresies which like to separate the soul from the body prematurely.
Sep 13, 2011 at 13:32 comment added Caleb Ok I see how the grammar goes now ... but my question still applies. Why could the covenant not be renewed with Jesus himself by conceiving him without sin? Why go a generation up? And if you do have to go a generation up, why don't you have to go all the way back to Adam?
Sep 13, 2011 at 13:26 comment added Peter Turner @Caleb, Pope Pius IX proclamation doesn't say that Jesus was free from the stain of original sin, it says Mary is (although it does use a tad too many commas). The Catholic reasoning is, Mary was 'saved' before she was born, literally conceived without sin. This was done for her alone in order to renew the covenant, if the entire family tree were free from sin, then there wouldn't be much need for a new Eve since the old one was sufficient.
Sep 13, 2011 at 11:29 comment added Caleb I don't see how your statement about Mary follows from the one you quote from Pope Pius IX. His statement indicates that Jesus was free from the stain of original sin. This I can agree with. Your statement goes on to say that therefore Mary had to be free from said stain as well. If you follow that line of reasoning wouldn't you need an entire family tree from Adam and Eve to Mary that was free from sin?
Sep 8, 2011 at 18:06 history answered Peter Turner CC BY-SA 3.0