Paul describes himself as an imitator of Christ and as an 'architekton' (1 Cor 3:10) - a master tekton. Slater's lexicon translates tekton as architect. Priests trained as tektons to build the temple of Herod (Josephus' Antiquities). It would have taken devout Jewish tektons to train priests. I.e. like Joseph (Matt 1:19). Jesus
Jesus went to the Temple when lost (Luke 2). Presumably because he was known there + so would get looked after until Mary + Joseph caught up with him. He is admitted there as a 12 year old into the company of the Doctors of Law (Luke 2), presumably because they knew Joseph. The
The offering for the poor was not means-tested. Any Jew, however rich, could make it, e.g. if they were at odds with the Sadduccee's corruption. In
In any event Joseph received the Magis gifts after that. These were rich Babylonians making kingly gifts because they considered Jesus to be a king. There were enough of them to 'disturb Herod and all of Jerusalem' (Matt 2:3). They opened treasure-chests (plural) of the 3 most expensive items of the day. Much more wealth than needed for 2 years in Egypt. Jesus
Jesus had a house in Capernaum (Mark 2:1). He had 'nowhere to lay his head' because he spent so much time travelling and ministering. Judas
Judas could steal from their money-box without it being immediately obvious (John 12:6). I
I recommend Bradford's The Jesus Discovery. If bought via the Templehouse site it comes with a single order money back guarantee. Don't know many other books that do. Tim Templehouse