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Andreas Blass's user avatar
Andreas Blass
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

Is "Christ" a title of Jesus, or a name?

9 votes

Did King James really have his name put into the Bible?

9 votes

If it is better that we have free will than not, then why suggest it is preferable to not?

8 votes

Can you re-enter the catholic church after leaving?

8 votes

How are penances decided?

7 votes

Can a Catholic marriage be annulled because one doesn't believe to Sacred Trinity anymore?

7 votes

Under Catholic dogma can someone publicly rebuke the Pope like Paul rebuked Peter?

7 votes

What is the Catholic understanding of omnipotence?

6 votes

According to Catholic doctrine, what effect does the Last Judgment have on those who are already in heaven?

6 votes

Can one be baptized and become a Catholic if they don't believe in every particular Catholic dogma?

5 votes

What does it mean that the Virgin was assumed "in body" in Heaven?

5 votes

Latin Lyrics for Gregorian Chants

5 votes

Is Matthew 26:32 and John 20:9 a mistake stating that Jesus told the disciples He would rise again then stating they didn't know after it happened?

5 votes

Did Jesus write a Bible commentary?

4 votes

What should one do who was baptised twice in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches?

4 votes

What is the origin of "This is the Word of the Lord" and "Thanks be to God?

4 votes

What is the consequence of being baptized twice, according to the Catholic Church?

4 votes

The Virgin Mary, "the perfect non-divine human being"

4 votes

What is the endgame for sedevacantists?

4 votes

At what age and how do young Catholics know or be notified that they have committed a mortal sin or a venial sin?

4 votes

In Roman Catholicism, what is the right way of praying for the salvation of departed souls?

3 votes

Are Left handers servants of the devil?

3 votes

What are the necessary circumstances that qualify a marriage for annulment in the Catholic Church?

3 votes

Why did God choose Mary?

3 votes

What Scriptures are used to justify the belief that Christians of Denominations other than a specific one will be rejected by God?

3 votes

Is Baptism of a child still valid if one of the pouring during baptism misses?

3 votes

The seriousness of sin changed?

3 votes

Explain similarities and differences in "sinless from the womb " for James, John the Baptist and Mary

3 votes

How are the Communion wafers handled?

3 votes

If Mary is sinless then how is Christ her victory?