I was an agnostic most of my life. At age 57 I traveled abroad to find peace and happiness. I found God instead and my world changed forever. I was baptized into the Episcopal Church, and within a year was licensed to teach the adult education program at the Cathedral. I taught The Church Fathers - mostly to Priests, Deacons and Vestry.
I became an Anglican-Catholic which had a more traditional liturgy and was licensed to Teach, Read and Serve, by the Archbishop. I retired in 2012. I occasionally speak, but mostly write about God. I have spent more than 10,000 hours on the Church Fathers, and have written more than 2000 pages of commentary, (some is posted on my site at waeshael.com, some at orderstvincent.org). I am the Assistant to the Director General of the International Order of St. Vincent, a Western Rite Brotherhood. I am ordained, and hold a Doctorate in Theology.
I try to make the Fathers understandable to lay people. I am very happy, and very blessed.