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Lionsden's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
8 votes

Did St. Paul know the doctrine of the Trinity?

7 votes

Romans 9:14 to 9:24 and free will

4 votes

Perpetual virginity of Mary: why did Mary see "not knowing man" as an obstacle to the conception of Jesus?

3 votes

Was Adam blaming Eve?

3 votes

Foot Washing - Required for salvation?

2 votes

Do Paul and the other Apostles command the keeping of Kosher diet in Acts 15:29?

2 votes

How does the Christology of the Baha'i faith differ from that of trinitarian Christianity?

2 votes

God said in the Bible: ”I am who am!” What does that expression mean?

2 votes

Why do we celebrate Easter only 2 days after Good Friday?

2 votes

Did Jesus know he was immortal at the time of the crucifixion?

2 votes

What internal evidence supports the historicity of Abraham?

2 votes

In which scriptures are Jesus' Words?

2 votes

According to the Calvinist, why "believe" if something is known absolutely true?

1 vote

How did people know that their visions of God were not false before the Bible was as a book compiled?

1 vote

Was It Possible or Not To Keep the Law of Moses?

1 vote

Is there a sect who adopt "salvation by works and exaltation by both: faith and works"?

1 vote

What is the biblical basis for “the Sinner’s Prayer” and do Protestants believe that saying the prayer make one a Christian?

1 vote

Do we Give our life to Christ or receive Christ's Life?

1 vote

What does Paul mean when he says "rather we uphold the law"

1 vote

When Was The Gospel of Luke Written?

1 vote

Was Jesus handsome according to Psalm 45:2?

1 vote

Is 1 Corinthians 15:27 problematic for trinitarians?

1 vote

1 Corinthians 4:15-16 - does Paul have the right to raise himself higher than others going against Jesus teaching?

1 vote

Why aren't the two greatest commandments part of the Decalogue?

1 vote

How to reconcile both Outer Darkness and Unquenchable Fire as descriptions of Hell

1 vote

At the Last Supper what would the disciples make of what Jesus said about partaking of the bread and the wine?

1 vote

What is the biblical basis for defining 'atonement’ as 'at-one-ment with Christ'?

1 vote

Why did Jesus ask His disciples to forgive the debt of their debtors (if they want their debt to be forgiven), if Jesus's atonement is universal?

1 vote

Do any Trinitarian denominations teach from John 1 with, 'In the beginning was Jesus'?

1 vote

Why does Satan collect souls that are subservient to him according to mainstream Christian scriptures?