Job: Academic Director (ESL school)
Qualifications: Ph.D (African Economic History, LSE), DipTESOL (Trinity College). Interests: History (ancient Greece, Persia & Rome, early medieval Europe), cricket, football, (old) films & film history + half a dozen others. Current time zone: GMT +8
Voting policy: I'll upvote any answer which is well-researched and has sources, appropriately used of course (even if the topic doesn't interest me much)
A few choice quotations:
'Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.' (Walter Lippman)
'I used to be snow white but I drifted.' (Mae West)
'Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it or who does it.' (Malcolm X)
'Je suis Marxist, tendence Groucho.' (anon., Paris graffiti)
'I'll give you a definite maybe.' (Samuel Goldwyn, attrib.)