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  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
58 votes

When the Bible talks about wine does it mean alcoholic wine?

37 votes

How were people saved prior to 33 AD?

33 votes

What is the Biblical basis for the doctrine of the Trinity?

32 votes

What is significant about the torn curtain? What about Jesus' death impressed the centurion at the cross?

23 votes

Is repentance required for salvation?

23 votes

Is Mary's virginity evidence that sex is always sinful?

22 votes

What was the specific trap being set for Jesus by the Pharisees in John 8?

16 votes

Was Enoch sinless?

15 votes

"Let this cup pass from me" - What is the cup?

14 votes

Why don't many churches obey Paul's command that women must be silent in church?

14 votes

Is the God of Christianity a just God?

12 votes

How does Matthew 25:31-46 ("The Sheep and the Goats") reconcile with salvation by faith?

12 votes

Is the "sinner's prayer" important for salvation and why?

11 votes

Is God of Anger or of Love?

9 votes

Was Jesus a separate god?

9 votes

If the Ten Commandments say “thou shalt not kill” how can a Christian fight in a war?

9 votes

How can I be sure someone I know is going to Heaven?

9 votes

What is the Biblical basis for the concept that Jesus spent time in Hell?

9 votes

Is it wrong to consume alcohol?

9 votes

How is Christ's death so significant?

8 votes

How did all the animals fit into Noah's ark?

8 votes

How should Christians discipline their children today?

8 votes

What guidelines or rules should be used when interpreting the Bible?

8 votes

The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength

7 votes

What does Luke 11:5-8 mean?

7 votes

Adam and Eve versus ecology

7 votes

What is the significance of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden?

7 votes

Does the Bible give any reason as to why its content is sometimes difficult to interpret?

7 votes

Who were the "giants" mentioned in the Bible?

7 votes

What are the main views on who created God?