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Matt's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

Why didn't God the Father answer Joseph Smith's questions directly?

2 votes

Was Elohim the Saviour and Redeemer of his world?

12 votes

What are Mormons allowed to discuss about the temple, when not inside the temple?

5 votes

Mormons, for how long can I be forgiven of all my sins?

5 votes

According to LDS, what is the purpose of the final judgment?

4 votes

According to Mormonism, how does a person get saved?

8 votes

What is the basis for the LDS belief that religious truth is confirmed by what you feel?

8 votes

Why do Mormons use Trinitarian language in baptism when they explicitly reject Trinitarianism?

7 votes

Are these LDS scriptures consistent with LDS doctrine?

14 votes

LDS Church and Genealogy Research (What is the connection?)

2 votes

What would inerrancy imply for Mormons?

10 votes

Are translations of the book of Mormon into other languages made from English, or are the golden plates stashed in a temple somewhere?

29 votes

What important Mormon doctrines are taught in the book of Mormon that we couldn't find in the Bible already?

6 votes

What is the opinion of the LDS Church in regards to unbaptized people's taking communion?

14 votes

Is there a reason why female Mormon missionaries wear such varied dresses but male Mormon missionaries wear uniforms?

2 votes

Mormonism or LDS?

12 votes

Does the New Testament have any mention of Kolob and if not, how come?

9 votes

Does The Book of Mormon contain Jewish literary techniques?

5 votes

How does the LDS Church handle verses that imply there is no one like God?

5 votes

In what sense is Jesus understood to be "the only begotten son of God" in LDS teaching?

10 votes

Are LDS members expected to contribute a certain amount of time as a full-time missionary?

8 votes

Why is the Son of God called the Eternal Father in the book of Alma?

15 votes

Why did Joseph Smith return the golden plates to the angel to be buried?

11 votes

Do Latter-day Saints believe Muhammad is a prophet?

11 votes

Is this a mistake in The Book of Mormon?

1 vote

Why is death a vital piece of God's plan in LDS theology?

9 votes

What does the LDS church teach about what men and women did or do in the pre-existence?

3 votes

Do Mormons/LDS believe that the Bible in any way predicts the coming of Joseph Smith?

10 votes

What is the distinction between ordinance types in the LDS church?

10 votes

If a Mormon man turns from Mormonism, what happens to his Mormon wife when she dies?