3 votes

Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down to statues or images?

Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down or make obeisance to or kiss statues, images, icons, etc. (i.e., inanimate objects)? The short answer is no. Basically, it is an act of personal ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Why do Greek Orthodox venerate icons and Roman Catholic statues?

Why do Greek Orthodox venerate icons and Roman Catholic statues? This question is quite nicely phrased on a couple points of view. Before going on let me mention that the Eastern Orthodox Church ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Is there a dogmatic or theological (yet not dogmatic) justification for kneeling before a statue/icon of the Virgin Mary?

In one passage, we have the answer to the whole thing: 1 Chronicles 29:20 (DRB) And David commanded all the assembly: Bless ye the Lord our God. And all the assembly blessed the Lord the God of their ...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down to statues or images?

Unless one is familiar with the Catholic religion, one will find it odd, if not downright sacriligious, to bow down to bread and wine (inanimate objects per the OP). From the Catechism of the ...
SLM's user avatar
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What was the ante-Nicene Fathers' view on image veneration?

Artwork There is artwork in one form or another in Christianity as far back as the archeological record can take us (As already noted by Ken Graham, precious little has survived from the very earliest ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
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What was the ante-Nicene Fathers' view on image veneration?

What was the ante-Nicene Fathers' view on the veneration of images and its use inside churches? The real problem with this particular question is that the Early Church was under persecution during the ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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What are the origins of the Our Lady of Grace statues?

What are the origins of the Our Lady of Grace statues? Our Lady of Cambray (Statue) also known as Our Lady of Grace is commemorated on July 5. This is the origin of the style of statue the question ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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