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Did Moses have an Egyptian Stepbrother?

The story of Moses is in the Book of Exodus in the Bible and begins in Chapter two. It is a fascinating story and the answer to your question is addressed in: Exodus 2:10 KJV  And the child grew, ...
BYE's user avatar
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Is a Catholic dogma that Moses (as the Exodus prophet) actually existed?

Yes, Catholics must believe in the historical reality of Christ, Moses, Adam & Eve, et al. Modernist heretics dispute their historicity, but magisterial teaching (DZ 1997) unequivocally says that ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What is the origin of the Pharisees and Sadducees?

Finding information on the origins of the Pharisees and the Sadducees has proved difficult. There are claims from the Pharisees that their origins stem from the time of Moses and the establishment of ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Did Moses Have A Speech Impediment?

Exodus 4:10 says that when God asked Moses to speak for him, Moses came up with the excuse that he was “slow of speech and tongue.” Some Bible commentators have suggested that Moses might have ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Question about Moses

Moses was born 1526 B.C. His mother was Jochebed, his father was Amram (Exodus 6:20; Numbers 26:59) and his sister was Miriam (Exodus 15:20-21). Hebrews 11:23 confirms that Moses was hidden for ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Did Moses worship Egyptian gods while living in the palace?

Moses' mother was hired by Pharaoh's daughter to nurse him and it is only after he is 'grown' that he was brought to Pharaoh's daughter to be her son. And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Do Cessationists wish that all God's people may prophesy?

It would first need to be established what Moses meant by the people prophesying in the wilderness, and then what Paul meant by Christians prophesying in the congregation. Then it would be necessary ...
Anne's user avatar
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5 votes

Whom and/or what did Moses and Elijah represent in the Transfiguration?

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
4 votes

Did Moses have more than one wife in his lifetime?

About Jethro, Wikipedia states: There is some disagreement over the name(s) of Moses' father-in-law. In the KJV translation of Judges 4:11, a man named Hobab appears as Moses' father-in-law, while ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Why did Israel under Moses take a longer route to Canaan?

The account in the Bible book of Exodus gives the answer. Chapter 13 verse 17 begins to explain the wilderness detour, and I quote from the New Living Translation: "When Pharaoh finally let the ...
Anne's user avatar
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Were Prophets Moses and Aaron magicians?

Scott B. Noegel's article Moses and Magic: Notes on the Book of Exodus, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society argues in great detail that Moses and Aaron's ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, did Moses believe in the Trinity?

St. Thomas Aquinas explains this in his question on "Whether it is necessary for salvation to believe explicitly in the Trinity?" (Summa Theologica II-II q. 2 a. 8): …before Christ, the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Did Moses leave his wife and kids? If so, why?

It is helpful to read all of Exodus 4 starting at verse 18. After the burning bush, and God giving Moses signs to do in Egypt, Moses then asked his father in-law if he could return to Egypt. Moses ...
Bible Explorer's user avatar
4 votes

Did Moses have more than one wife in his lifetime?

The previous answer deals ably with the matter of the name of Jethro. But the main question (Did Moses have more than one wife in his lifetime ?) opens up another factor. It is my understanding that ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Contradiction or translation problem with Moses in Exodus?

What Moses saw is described and defined in Numbers 12:8. And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Was Mt. Sinai a volcano?

Was Mt. Sinai a volcano? The mountain that is commonly called Mt. Sinai is not of volcanic origin. But then again serious scholars are not in agreement of the actual location of the Mountain of God ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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In what way is Jesus like Moses?

It is actually from verse 15 that Moses begins to speak prophetically of what God will do. Verse 15 says: "The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy ...
Anne's user avatar
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How did Moses speak to the children of Israel & write the Torah if he was learned in all the ways of the Egyptians?

Moses’ mother, Jochebed was the daughter of a Levite, and she married Amram, another Levite (Exodus 2:1). The Hebrew midwives refused to participate in the infanticide decreed by the Pharaoh (Exodus ...
Lesley's user avatar
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How did Moses speak to the children of Israel & write the Torah if he was learned in all the ways of the Egyptians?

Let me give the simple answer. "Learned in the ways of the Egyptians" does not imply that he wasn't also learned in the ways of his own people as well. Many Egyptians would have known the ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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Did Moses write YHWH or God's full name?

You are confusing the Tetragrammaton (yhwh) as an abbreviation for the name Yahweh. The ancient Hebrew or Semitic languages lacked vowels, however the readers knew how to pronounce them. YHWH or yhw ...
Michael16's user avatar
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What was the Law of God Before Moses and How was It Disseminated?

In addition to the commands given to Adam and Noah, we have the book of Job. Many believe that Job lived between Abraham and Moses, and that Moses or Joshua wrote that book down. Job is filled with ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
4 votes

When Did Israel First Expect Deliverance from Egypt?

I see that you have accepted an answer already but I would like to offer an answer regardless. I recommend all of Genesis 15 as foundation and I believe it to be more complete regarding the OP, than ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
4 votes

What was the value addition of Moses' speech deficiency to his leadership?

The fact that Moses was instrumental in the successful redemption of Israel from Egypt proves that his speech deficiency did help him. I actually think that what this proves is that human ability or ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
3 votes

Red Sea or Sea of Reeds?

The route of the Exodus and subsequent journey is described in Numbers chapter 33. From this we learn that Etham was "on the edge of the wilderness" (Num 33:6); in fact the wilderness east ...
Andrew Shanks's user avatar
3 votes

Who was Pharaoh when Moses lived in Egypt?

Who was Pharaoh when Moses lived? Amenhotep II was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, in 1446 bc. This answer takes the 480 years in 1 Kings 6:1 as a literal number. Summary Ahmose was the Pharaoh who began ...
Andrew Shanks's user avatar
3 votes

How did Jethro know Moses's God?

According to ancient tradition, Moses wrote down the book of Job. Clues in the text suggest that Job lived after Abraham and before Moses. These clues include genealogical references and place names. ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
3 votes

Was it and is it a common Christian belief to say that the 5 books of the Torah were written by Moses?

Was it and is it a common Christian belief to say that the 5 books of the Torah were written by Moses? The short answer is yes. It is and has been traditionally believed that Moses wrote the 5 Books ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Do any denominations teach that Moses was talking with three distinct beings in the burning bush?

The question makes some unwarranted assumptions, probably on account of lack of awareness of the meanings and grammar of the original Hebrew text, that then lead toward incorrect conclusions. The ...
Biblasia's user avatar
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Why do ancient Egyptian records make no mention of the Crossing of the Red Sea narrative?

Consider this excerpt from a National Geographic article, and notice the part I've highlighted: The identity of Pharaoh in the Moses story has been much debated, but many scholars are inclined to ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
3 votes

In what way is Jesus like Moses?

In which ways is Jesus like Moses? Here follows a few examples: Both Jesus and Moses were men of prayer. They both fasted for 40 days. At the end of his 40 days of fasting and prayer, Moses wrote ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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