6 votes

Was Jesus ever an atheist?

The key phrase here is, "They will find only one divinity who ever uttered their isolation," implying that he was an atheist "for an instant." This is a clear reference to Matthew ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
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Was Jesus ever an atheist?

Chesterton has a penchant for paradox that often leads him, on the one hand, to probe very deeply into the tissue and joints of any topic; on the other hand, it sometimes leads him into statements ...
Daniel Hyland's user avatar
2 votes

Was Jesus ever an atheist?

No, Jesus who is the Messiah and sitted at the right hand of the Great White Throne or power was never an atheist. Jesus hardly said anything without mentioning God or Father. John 14:28 ye loved me, ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
1 vote

Was Jesus ever an atheist?

It would be nice to have the page number of the book you quote from, then we might be able to check context. Without that, we cannot speak about the long-deceased Chesterton here, let alone "for&...
Anne's user avatar
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Where did Chesterton's idea that a heresy was a fixation on a particular virtue within Christianity come from?

Chesterton also wrote this in his book on St Francis of Assisi: Every heresy has been an effort to narrow the Church. If the Franciscan movement had turned into a new religion, it would after all ...
Gilbert Heinrich's user avatar

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