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12 votes

Are Catholics not supposed to pray the St. Michael Prayer?

The faithful may recite the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel freely. The prohibition from Pope Leo XIII is against the faithful’s use of the rite of exorcism—in other words, the pope is ...
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
11 votes

Are spectators allowed during Roman Catholic exorcisms?

Are spectators allowed during Roman Catholic exorcisms? The short answer is no. Your example seems bogus. Is the priest in question seeking attention and glamour? Rome would suppress this if found out....
Ken Graham's user avatar
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10 votes

Was casting out of demons done in the Old Testament by any Prophets or was it started in the New Testament?

There are no explicit references to exorcism in the OT. However, in a possible foreshadowing of Christ, David caused an evil spirit to depart from Saul multiple times by playing the harp (1 Sam 16, 18,...
Caleb George's user avatar
10 votes

How did theologians conclude that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit meant a refusal for repentance?

The task of a theologian is to bring together the many parts of scripture into a consistent whole. Passages may appear to be contradictory, at least on the surface, and so the theologian seeks an ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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8 votes

According to Catholicism, is the power of exorcism the fruit of the true church?

Is a Catholic priest's power of exorcism acceptable evidence of the Catholic Church's truth and validity of its claim to be the one true church? The short answer is no. The Catholic Church affirms the ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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6 votes

Was casting out of demons done in the Old Testament by any Prophets or was it started in the New Testament?

I don't think there is any other reference to casting out out of demons other than what's stated above about David. BUT Jesus said this in Matthew 12:27 NLT And if I am empowered by Satan, what ...
Klinghust's user avatar
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6 votes

According to Catholicism, is it possible for the Devil to kill someone?

Matthew 10:28, New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE), says: "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
6 votes

How are people who were not approved by Jesus (Matthew 7:21-23) still able to expel demons?

tl;dr It is possible that they are not casting out the demons but that the demons participate by leaving on their own accord, in order to provide credence to the preacher. Exorcism exists also in ...
Michael R's user avatar
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6 votes

Did the Early Church Fathers believe in exorcisms?

The eight orders, Major Orders bishop priest deacon Minor Orders subdeacon acolyte exorcist lector porter, which include the minor order of exorcist, were mentioned at the Fourth Council of ...
Geremia's user avatar
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5 votes

According to Catholic exorcists, does the Devil hate Catholic Church prayers said in Latin?

There are no biblical references as to why Catholic exorcists say that Latin is hated by the Devil. Many Catholic priests who are exorcists have made this claim (statement). But I imagine that ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the difference between a priest and a pastor?

I will first answer the question posed by the O.P. in the title. Priests vs. pastors A priest is a baptized man (he has to be a male) who has received the second degree of the Sacrament of Holy ...
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
5 votes

How did theologians conclude that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit meant a refusal for repentance?

The real sin of blasphemy against the Spirit is often misunderstood. The word "blasphemy" evokes thoughts of railing, cursing, profanities, or sacrilegious talk. At least, this is what the ...
Biblasia's user avatar
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4 votes

Incense, candles, crystal and exorcism (Roman Catholic perspective)

Your question has to be divided into two parts: How are Catholic exorcisms actually performed and how is one able to help liberate the possessed through various sacraments and sacramental outside an ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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4 votes

Can the laity use exorcised salt? If so, what are the rules for the proper use, handling, and storage of exorcised salt?

Yes , the laity are permitted to use exorcised salt or any other sacramental that the Church has for their disposition. Unfortunately the Ordinary Rite has no provision for this blessing in the new &...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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4 votes

Can the laity use exorcised salt? If so, what are the rules for the proper use, handling, and storage of exorcised salt?

The traditional (pre-Vatican II) blessing for holy water in the Rituale Romanum (Roman Ritual) includes exorcisms of salt and water: 1. On Sundays, or whenever this blessing takes place, salt and ...
Geremia's user avatar
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4 votes

Do exorcisms need to be performed in a particular language?

Do exorcisms need to be performed in a particular language? The short answer is no. It may be true that the Devil and his agents hate the use of Latin within the Roman Rite, but an exorcism may be ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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3 votes

According to Catholicism, what is needed to perform an exorcism?

Only priests duly authorized can perform exorcisms (can. 1172). The Church forbids laymen from doing exorcisms themselves because they are not priests, do not have proper authority, and will only ...
Geremia's user avatar
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3 votes

Was casting out of demons done in the Old Testament by any Prophets or was it started in the New Testament?

There seems to be at least two vague incidents in Scriptures for those who are of Catholic and Orthodox traditions. The first incident involves David where he plays the lyre/harp (1 Sam 16: 18-23) in ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do Pentecostalists often use the word "fire" during exorcisms?

There are two basic analogies for fire in the NT: first is the everlasting fire the condemned souls are cast into; the second one is the purifying fire associated with the Holy Spirit. Mt 25:41 is an ...
Wtrmute's user avatar
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What is the difference between a priest and a pastor?

For your book, I believe it would be more accurate to employ the term that best suits the needs of your manuscript. In other words, if the exorcist priest is a Parish Priest, then yes he is a Pastor. ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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3 votes

When did the demon announce they were afraid of God?

Thanks to curiousdannii in the comments: You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. James 2:19
Hyperdrive Enthusiast's user avatar
3 votes

What is the historical evidence of gagging, retching, dry heaving and vomiting during exorcisms?

I basically agree with Ken Graham's answer. However, based on some research by Kristen Herdman, it seems like the idea of vomiting during exorcisms is certainly pre-modern. Research by Herdman In a MA ...
nathan.j.mcdougall's user avatar
3 votes

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in exorcisms?

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in exorcisms? Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses do believe that exorcisms have been performed. There are several examples in the Bible of Jesus casting out demons from ...
agarza's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the difference between a priest and a pastor?

To a Catholic a pastor is a priest who shepherds a flock (metaphorically speaking). There are many jobs for priests. They can be lawyers, teachers, scientists and probably other things that I can't ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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2 votes

According to Catholicism, why do some possessed people vomit during exorcisms?

The Devil and all his legions are at war against Our Lord, and all his Angels and Saints. When The Evil takes possession of someone and they seek the aid an exorcist, the proof of possession must be ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

How do devils know what God permits in their doings? (Catholic perspective)

The mode of angelic knowledge is not discursive (reasoning from one premises to conclusions, as in human knowledge) but intuitive. Addressing whether an angel knows God by his own natural principles, ...
Geremia's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the rules of Exorcism (Catholic Perspective)

In the Roman Catholic Church, only a priest or higher rank prelate may perform an exorcism over a possessed person. A priest may only perform an exorcism over a possessed person with the permission ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

Demon Possession in the Old Testament?

Demon Possession in the Old Testament? We can be sure that demonic possession occurred prior to the birth of Christ. There are a few instances in the Old Testament of demonic activity in the affairs ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

According to Catholicism, what is needed to perform an exorcism?

Can one perform an exorcism on oneself? The only prayer of exorcism a layperson may say is a simple prayer of exorcism. Solemn exorcisms are reserved to priests in the Latin rite. A layperson may ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

According to Catholicism, is it permitted for a priest to employ the Benedictio Deprecatoris prayer to stop the spread of the coronavirus?

According to Catholicism, is it permitted for a priest to employ the Benedictio Deprecatoris prayer to stop the spread of the coronavirus? That will depend on two things. The local ordinary (bishop) ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 73.9k

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