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34 votes

Have any Protestant Biologists demonstrated through their own research that Evolution is untenable?

No. There is not a single "real (peer-reviewed) research paper" showing that evolution is not likely or possible. I would challenge anybody who provides names to instead post a link to such ...
David's user avatar
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19 votes

What are Christian responses to the atheistic argument that God is an unnecessary and overly complicated extra step?

To Carl Sagan's point, a typical response from a Christian apologist would leverage the Philosophical Principle of Sufficient Reason. This principle states that the existence of a thing needs a ...
jaredad7's user avatar
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18 votes

How do Young Earth Creationists respond to the 'Last Thursdayism' objection?

IMHO, "last thursdayism" not only does not rebut the Creationist position, but strengthens it by illustrating the inability of science alone to make conclusive statements about history. ...
Matthew's user avatar
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16 votes

How do Young Earth Creationists explain artifacts dated to 20,000 years ago or more?

As others noted, and have numerous articles on the subject. The argument is usually boiled down into the following points: 1) Accurate radioactive dating assumes that the ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
13 votes

How do Young Earth Creationists respond to the 'Last Thursdayism' objection?

I'm not a Young Earth Creationist, but from the YEC perspective it is very straightforward to reject "last Thursdayism". YEC derives the age of the universe not from the light of distant ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
12 votes

How do Christians who reject pre-fall death reconcile their views with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (66 million years ago)?

Those creationist Christians typically place the "extinction event" in Noah's day, thus long after the fall of the historic Adam. An example is from the well-known Young Earth model defender,...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
12 votes

Have any Protestant Biologists demonstrated through their own research that Evolution is untenable?

Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Axe have argued in technical & lay publications against the plausibility of unguided evolution; several of the arguments used are: Specified complexity is ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
12 votes

According to Creationists, what are the strongest arguments against abiogenesis?

First off, from a Christian standpoint, the strongest argument is Genesis 1; God's inerrant and infallible Word tells us how life began: God spoke, and it was so. Most importantly, millions or ...
Matthew's user avatar
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12 votes

Is creatio ex nihilo accepted theology for all mainstream Christian denominations?

There are only a few alternatives to a universe that was created by God from nothing: The universe spontaneously came into existence completely aside from God. While this may be the position of some ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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11 votes

HOW does the existence of the Universe make those who do not worship God to be "without excuse"?

St. Paul is evidently musing on themes in the book of Wisdom in Chapter 1 and beyond: Wisdom 13:1-9 But all men are vain, in whom there is not the knowledge of God: and who by these good things that ...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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10 votes

How do Trinitarians deal with this contradiction regarding the Creator?

The Trinity created the world. More specifically, Trinitarians would say the Father created the world through the Son with the Holy Spirit. The Trinity always acts as one -- there is one Divine ...
eques's user avatar
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10 votes

What are Christian responses to the atheistic argument that God is an unnecessary and overly complicated extra step?

Quantum entanglement is two things: Scientific fact Without any good explanation Do we then conclude that quantum entanglement doesn't exist? No, we accept the fact that the mathematics is correct, ...
ABM K's user avatar
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9 votes

Where does the word 'Eloheim' originate from?

There seem to be two basic questions here: In the original Hebrew manuscripts; the writer uses the word Elohim....From my research it seems 'Eloheim' doesn't exist in the Hebrew nor English ...
Susan's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the biblical basis for Jesus' eternal pre-existence (as opposed to having been created a long time ago)?

John clearly and logically makes four statements : In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. [John 1:1,2 KJV] 'In the ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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9 votes

Have any Protestant Biologists demonstrated through their own research that Evolution is untenable?

Disclaimer: I can't say with confidence that any of the cited individuals are Protestant, as opposed to Orthodox or Catholic, although it's unclear to me why that should matter. Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson ...
Matthew's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the Biblical basis for the idea of 'creation ex nihilo'?

Gen 1 as ancient cosmology Although I agree with the quoted LDS scholar Dr. Dan McClellan that Gen 1:1 is verbally better understood as a temporal clause specifying the condition of formless matter (...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
9 votes

According to proponents of creationism and intelligent design, are we clueless about the origin of life? James Tour vs. Dave Farina

This post will review 2 of the major difficulties faced by studies in naturalistic abiogenesis (undesigned origin of life). Its primary assumption is supported by no experimental evidence ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
9 votes

How might a Christian persuade a naturalist non-theist that the universe cannot be a brute fact?

It's important for the Christian to recognize that when naturalist, non-theists refer to the universe they are actually referring to a very specifically natural universe. Already, before the ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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8 votes

Does the Roman Catholic Church embrace theistic evolution?

The position of the Catholic Church is necessarily consistent with the position espoused by the pope, which position can also be described as having evolved since the middle of the twentieth century ...
Dick Harfield's user avatar
8 votes

In Trinitarian theology who created the world?

In Trinitarian thought, God has one will and one action. Everything is accomplished by the Three Persons of the Trinity acting in unity. This applies to creation as well. The typical language is along ...
bradimus's user avatar
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8 votes

Comparison of various Biblical theories on the age of the earth

There's not really much to say here. There are really only a few of options: Those who think the Biblical texts are broadly historical and believe they indicate that both humanity and the earth have ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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8 votes

According to Creationists, what are the strongest arguments against abiogenesis?

Evolution cannot start until there exists a chemical structure which can replicate itself. And this supposed replicating structure must be in some sense a step towards the DNA structures that all ...
Andrew Shanks's user avatar
8 votes

Do Christians believe that God used mathematics to design the universe?

Does the Bible suggest that God created mathematics? In the Nicene creed, Christians confess, in accordance with Colossians 1:16, that God Created "all things [....] visible and invisible". ...
Matthew's user avatar
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7 votes

HOW does the existence of the Universe make those who do not worship God to be "without excuse"?

One way to think about this is: Within the "all that there is" of the universe cause and effect is supremely evident and unavoidably universal. If it were not so we would have no way to ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the biblical basis for a Flat Earth?

What is the biblical basis for a Flat Earth? Wikipedia makes the claim that St. John Chrysostom and Archbishop of Constantinople, explicitly espoused the idea, based on scripture, that the Earth ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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7 votes

How do Christians who reject pre-fall death reconcile their views with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (66 million years ago)?

To expand on GratefulDisciple's answer... ...the short version is that a lot of them don't. There are, as I see it, three-and-a-half options. GratefulDisciple already explained the "young-Earth ...
Matthew's user avatar
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7 votes

How do Young Earth Creationists account for radiometrical dates of more than 7000 years?

The literal answer is that YECs "account" for no such thing. They reject the accuracy of such dates, based on an alternate interpretation of the available evidence. However, that isn't very ...
Matthew's user avatar
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7 votes

According to LDS, on what earth did God live before he became God and created everything?

There is no official LDS doctrine on what earth God lived on. The LDS believe in continuing revelation so this may be revealed at a later time. There are plenty of questions that we currently don't ...
depperm's user avatar
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7 votes

If we will have free will and be sinless in Heaven at the same time, then why did God not create a world with sinless free creatures to begin with?

Introduction I see your question as boiling down to the following: There is no sin in heaven, but free will continues; is it possible for God to create such a world via fiat? If yes, why did he create ...
ninthamigo's user avatar
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