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What is the highest position a married man can achieve in the Catholic church?

The cardinalate has been prohibited for laymen since 1918, and since 1962 it must consist of bishops. So, it seems (barring the rare exceptions mentioned in the previous answer) that chancellors (cf. ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What is the highest position a married man can achieve in the Catholic church?

Since the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI has permitted married men to be ordained to the permanent diaconate. Pope Paul's Apostolic Letter SACRUM DIACONATUS ORDINEM was publish on June 18,1967. ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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5 votes

Hierarchy and paid clergy of Jehovah's Witnesses church

The entire organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is funded by voluntary donations. There is no "company" that generates money to pay salaries. Also, most cars that a governing body member gets is ...
KnowledgeSeeker's user avatar
4 votes

What is the justification used by the Nazarene denomination that permits women to be pastors/ elders?

The Church of the Nazarene publishes a Manual which details their theology and doctrine. In Page 186, paragraph 501, the justification for ordaining women is presented: 501. Theology of Women in ...
Wtrmute's user avatar
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What differentiates a priest, a clerk, a capellanus, a subdeacon and a rector?

I'm no expert, but will attempt a partial answer - first, the educational qualifications refer to:- BA - Bachelor of Arts MA - Master of Arts (traditionally awarded automatically to Oxford graduates ...
TheHonRose's user avatar
3 votes

What is the role of a cardinal-bishop in an archdiocese?

What is the role of a cardinal-bishop in an archdiocese? The role of Cardinals is to vote for a new pope when the papacy is vacant and to advice the the pope in different circumstances that arise ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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3 votes

Did pastors or clergymen get killed by snakebite?

There appears to be evidence to show some Pentecostal pastors have died as a result from handling snakes during religious services: The handling of venomous snakes has significant risks. Ralph Hood ...
Lesley's user avatar
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What are the root causes of the recent clerical sexual abuse scandals within the Catholic Church?

To answer this question properly, we need to define what the clerical sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is. I see two primary layers: (1) that clerics sexually abused children and minors, ...
semblable's user avatar
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What are the root causes of the recent clerical sexual abuse scandals within the Catholic Church?

The percentage of Catholic priests who indulge in sexual abuse may not be on higher side compared with that of doctors, teachers , policemen et al who have direct interaction with their clients in ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
3 votes

Why are Catholic bishops styled as archbishops?

Inspired by a link in Ken Graham's answer I read the Wikipedia article on Archbishops. That contains a paragraph germane to the question but which Ken doesn't quote: Roman Catholic bishops and ...
Andrew Leach's user avatar
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3 votes

When did the use of formal, seminary-type education begin and why?

The earliest mention we have to Cathedral Schools is from the Second Council of Toledo in 527; they were set up in order to guarantee the formation of priests after the fall of the Empire caused the ...
Wtrmute's user avatar
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In the Christian Reformed Churches, who evaluates the pastor's theological beliefs?

According to the CRCNA Church Order 2015, nominations for office are presented by the council. Article 4 a. In calling and electing to an office, the council shall ordinarily present to the ...
Birdie's user avatar
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Why are Catholic bishops styled as archbishops?

Contrary to the premise of the question, not all Catholic bishops in the British Isles are Right Reverend. Since the 1860s all Catholic Bishops in Ireland have been Most Reverend. In England, Wales ...
davidlol's user avatar
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Why are Catholic bishops styled as archbishops?

I going to try and explain why Catholic archbishops and bishops are addressed as "Most Reverend". First of all there will invariably be some local tradition that will differ as to how the faithful ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

When did the Catholic Church first prohibit bishops from remarrying?

When did the Catholic Church first prohibit bishops from remarrying? For St. Paul being married to a woman for the first time seems to be a prerequisite for the office of the episcopate. Widowers who ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the earliest historical instance of state-paid Clergy?

What is the earliest historical instance of state-paid Clergy? Perhaps not exactly paid clergy, but the State began indirectly to help the clergy in the time of Constantine. It is not quite the same ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the root causes of the recent clerical sexual abuse scandals within the Catholic Church?

I don't think clerical abuse is new. Anytime a fallen human is given power they often use that power for sin. Indeed pride can also be vice that prevents those in power to administer justice or ...
MarkF47's user avatar
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Are There Any Other Professions of Faith in the Catholic Church Which Came After "The Oath Against Modernism"?

Are There Any Other Professions of Faith in the Catholic Church Which Came After "The Oath Against Modernism"? The short answer is yes. The year 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of Pope ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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In 1820 how were the Canons of Durango installed?

I will put out some points and hope that it at least narrows the target sufficiently. Under the list heading of this document: Capitulares de la Catedral de Durango mencionados en este volumen. [...
ninthamigo's user avatar
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Why are some clergy referred to as "Monsignor" and others not?

Monsignor is A title of distinction granted by the Pope to numerous prelates. All ecclesiastical dignitaries including archbishops and bishops have a right to this title. (Etym. Italian monsignore, ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What differentiates a priest, a clerk, a capellanus, a subdeacon and a rector?

Before getting into what is the differences between a priest, a clerk, a subdeacon, a rector and a capellanus, it is important to understand that a priest may not only function as a priest, but also ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

Which Christian churches have an entirely unpaid/lay clergy?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Commonly called "Mormons") As a member, I enjoy paying tithing to the Church that is used to fund the building of the Kingdom of God on Earth: "...
Benjamin's user avatar
1 vote

When did the prohibition of marriage for priests in the Catholic church originate?

How clerical celibacy originated in the Catholic (Latin) Church The "pious histories" of priestly celibacy tell the story of how Jesus regarded celibacy as part of his prophetic mission. As ...
Aaron Milavec's user avatar
1 vote

Why are archdeacons (Anglican, Catholic, or Orthodox) called "The Venerable"? What is the origin, in Latin and English, of this title?

Why are archdeacons (Anglican, Catholic, or Orthodox) called “The Venerable”? What is the origin, in Latin and English, of this title? I have yet to find a source where where Catholic or Orthodox ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 73.8k

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