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7 votes

How does the Catholic Church choose the patron saint of a parish church?

The naming of a patron saint of a parish church must be chosen by the clergy and the faithful of the area in union with their local ordinary (bishop) and then approved by the Congregation for Divine ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there official church structures that exist under a Parish in the Catholic Church?

Are there official church structures that exist under a Parish in the Catholic Church? Unfortunately there seem to be no set of ecclesiastical norms that exist in the present state of affairs ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there official church structures that exist under a Parish in the Catholic Church?

In general, yes, it is very much possible to organize as laity. If you want to see the legal side, try book II of canon law. There may also be some country specific rules. In my country, just as an ...
ABM K's user avatar
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If a cathedral has to move in a diocese, is it normal to rename the parish?

If a cathedral has to move in a diocese, is it normal to rename the parish? The short answer is no. But indults do exist. One would think that it would not be possible! After all Canon Law seems to ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

Where to go for Catholic Priest who are Therapist/Psychologist?

I believe you can look up (google) Catholic Charities Counseling, and if your local diocese has one it'll probably have at least a Catholic understanding and be local. There is also https://www....
depperm's user avatar
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