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9 votes

How do Calvinists explain Calvin's use of Baruch?

Actually, in his magnum opus "Institutes of the Christian Religion" (ICR), he cited Tobit, Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and Siriach. The Geneva Bible, which Calvin accepted and fostered, also ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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8 votes

Why did Luther not support iconoclasm like some other reformers?

Luther's own words on the subject are quoted in: The Third Sermon, March 11, 1522, Tuesday after Invocavit In his sermon on 'How Christians should regard Moses' Luther makes it clear that he does ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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6 votes

What did Luther and Calvin believe about "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14?

Although Calvin and Luther most certainly believed in an entity called Satan, they deny that Isaiah 14:12 has any connection with the devil or that Lucifer is his name. In Calvin's commentary of ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for believing that some sense of Deity exists in humans?

In the Catholic ‘Encyclopedia of Theoloy’ edited by Karl Rhaner, there is a three-and-a-half page article under ‘God’ called ‘II. Knowability of God’ written by Eberhard Simons. He cites three ...
Anne's user avatar
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6 votes

What were John Calvin's arguments against John of Damascus on Icons?

John Calvin didn't promote icons in churches as John of Damascus did but he didn't support iconoclasm either. Calvin against using icons in the church We can read Calvin's indirect argument against ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
5 votes

Did John Calvin observe Christmas?

In Calvin's sermon on Christmas Day (I believe it fell on a Friday) in 1551, he says the following: In truth, as you have often been admonished, it is good to set aside one day out of the year in ...
Birdie's user avatar
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According to Reformed Theology, why do unbelievers deserve punishment?

The simple answer is that God has decided that the wages of sin is death. It is entirely up to God as to what punishment sin deserves, and the punishment God chose was eternal damnation. The ...
Birdie's user avatar
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Did the original reformers believe in a Magisterium?

tldr; No - the Reformers disavowed the concept of the Magisterium. If you read the Wikipedia article on the Magisterial Reformation it is plain to see that the usual usage of the term "...
bruised reed's user avatar
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5 votes

Was there a period in the history when all who believed in Christ allowed infant baptism?

Believer's baptism (aka. credo-baptism) was revived by the Anabaptists on January 21, 1525, when Conrad Grebel baptized George Blaurock. These Anabaptists believed that only believer's baptism was ...
sondra.kinsey's user avatar
5 votes

Are Origen's and Calvin's views on God compatible?

Origen's View on God Origen of Alexandria (185-232) was a great Bible scholar and an influential early Christian theologian whose contributions has been underappreciated, mostly because he was ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
4 votes

Did John Calvin believe that the grandchildren of a believer are entitled to infant baptism?

John Knox, the leader of the Reformation in Scotland, wrote to Calvin in 1559, asking for his view on whether it be lawful to admit to the Sacrament of Baptism the children of idolators and ...
davidlol's user avatar
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The Servetus Controversy: What was Calvin's involvement?

Michael Servetus denied the deity of Christ and the Trinity doctrine, as well as many other points of orthodox Christian belief. But his challenge to the city Council of Geneva was handled horribly. ...
Anne's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the basis for Calvinist double predestination, as opposed to single predestination?

To begin, let's be sure that we understand what double predestination means in Calvinism. You have it right, that God chooses both who is elect and who is non-elect, but it's important to note that ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
4 votes

Where can I find Calvin's commentary on the Hebrew Bible in the original Latin?

The Post-Reformation Digital Library is the best place I've found for these sorts of documents. And, sure enough, a search for "Calvin" and "Genesis" includes the following results: In Primum Mosis ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
4 votes

Did John Calvin discourage harmonies in congregational singing?

Did John Calvin discourage harmonies in congregational singing? He did not discourage congressional singing, but it seems that John Calvin did discourage congressional singing in harmony. In the ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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4 votes

Did John Calvin help Nicolas Cop write his infamous inaugural address?

According to Alexandre Ganoczy's Calvin’s Life and Context, chapter 1 in The Cambridge Companion to John Calvin there is no scholarly consensus as to the extent of Calvin's involvement in Nicolas Cop'...
Lars Bosteen's user avatar
4 votes

Were the reformers able to ordain other people to be elders, deacons, and bishops?

Two factors about the Reformed Protestant position back then need to be understood. (1) They believed in "the priesthood of all believers" - the Bible describes every Christian as part of &...
Anne's user avatar
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4 votes

How do Calvinists reconcile Christ's election of Judas Iscariot to be a disciple only to be betrayed by him?

Our Lord chose Judas Iscariot to be a disciple: but this choosing was outward. Our Lord did not choose him to be a true believer inwardly. He never repented of his sin nor believed on Christ from ...
Andrew Shanks's user avatar
3 votes

Did John Calvin believe there was no salvation outside the visible church?

The text you quoted is certainly clear teaching of John Calvin on the subject. He believed that there was no salvation by remaining outside of the visible church, although it is necessary to ...
Birdie's user avatar
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Did John Calvin say "The worst of plagues is human reason"?

Did John Calvin say “the worst of plagues is human reason”? Although I drew a blank on John Calvin, I pursued the matter by searching through quotes attributed to Martin Luther. There were 950 of ...
Lesley's user avatar
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How do Calvinists reconcile Christ's election of Judas Iscariot to be a disciple only to be betrayed by him?

I'll attempt to answer this in the form that you requested without going to much into my own views. I will say however that in the past before I converted to Orthodoxy I was Presbyterian. So I think I ...
Wyrsa's user avatar
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2 votes

What evidence is there to show that John Wesley and John Calvin did not believe that Jesus is Michael?

Regarding the partial quote "Michael may mean an angel; but I embrace the opinion of those who refer this to the person of Christ because it suits the subject best to represent him as standing forward ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Did John Calvin discourage harmonies in congregational singing?

What an intriguing question! Here's an intriguing quote from Doug Floyd: "You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same notes." What would John Calvin have made of that? The point is that ...
Anne's user avatar
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2 votes

What was the difference between Ratramnus's view of the Eucharist and that of Calvin?

Ligonier Ministries has an article about this question posted on its website, addressing the Eucharistic controversy in which Ratramnus took part and discussing its relationship with Protestantism. ...
E. J.'s user avatar
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Calvinism: Dealing with paradoxes

Study or Surmise ? Since my conversion at the age of sixteen, in 1967, I have noticed that many people comment on the Institutes of the Christian Religion who have not properly read them. And thereby ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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2 votes

According to Calvin, how can God be loving if he created people to go to hell?

I found a compilation of John Calvin quotes on the topic of God's love. Here is one that struck me as relevant to your question: Sermon #28, Deut. 4.36-38, p. 167, this quote was compiled by Andrew ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
2 votes

Perowne's quoting John Calvin in Psalm 56

This is from Calvin's treatment of Psalm 56:3. The most common translation of this work, by James Anderson (published 1846), is available online for free, and the relevant section reads: The true ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
2 votes

Historical origins of the doctrine of God's self glorification

There is a good section on the Glory of God in the Catholic book I quote from below. First, examination is made of some of the Hebrew and Greek biblical texts that speak of God's glory. Then quotes ...
Anne's user avatar
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2 votes

Did John Calvin teach that souls 'pre-existed'?

Here is an answer in two parts. The first part deals with information extracted from Book 1 of Calvin’s ‘Institutes’. The link given opens up at Book 3 so you have to navigate back to Book 1. https:...
Lesley's user avatar
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What do Calvinists think of Isaiah 65:12?

Calvin himself does not bring in election and predestination to bear on the verse quoted. In his commentary he applies the situation in regard to personal responsibility : Because I called, and ye ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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