In Matthew 10.34 Christ says he didn't come to Earth to bring peace, but a sword. Please can you explain this to me. I'd very much appreciate proper intelligent answers, because I've tried to understand this matter for many years and have not yet been told an answer I can feel is correct. Thank you. In fact in 10.34 he says twice he hasn't come to bring peace; yet he is called the Prince of Peace and worshipped as a peacemaker. This saying about the sword has never been mentioned in any church I've been to and it seems like Christians forget it, or want to forget it. I see that he's explaining later that he aims to bring divison between those who are faithful and those who are not, even within the same family (hence the sword analogy) - but this isn't the message of love that is preached to Christians and goes against the doctrine of loving your enemies; so please can you explain it to me. Thank you very much.