What is the significance to the number 3 in the Bible? There is already a question about [the number seven](http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/2001/why-is-the-number-seven-special), but it no one said anything about 3.

Here are a few 3's I came up with:

* The Trinity (Godhead) is 3 in one
* Peter denies knowing Jesus 3 times and later says he loves him 3 times
* Jesus rose on the 3rd day
* Both 777 and [666](http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/2744/what-is-the-significance-of-the-number-666) consist of 3 digits
* "holy, holy, holy" is the Lord God Almighty ([Isaiah 6:3](http://bibref.hebtools.com/bibref.php?book=Isaiah&verse=6:3&src=1000) and [Revelation 4:8](http://bibref.hebtools.com/bibref.php?book=Revalation&verse=4:8&src=1000))

There are probably more that I can't think of right now. I just looked up 777 and it's not even in the Bible, so I don't know where that came from but I heard it somehow represents God.

So what is the significance to the number 3?