**How to suggest more reasonable themes/paradigms for the Covid-19 homilies (sermons) to the Catholic priests and bishops?**

If you wish you are always free to email your local ordinary (bishop) with your suggestions and concerns. Sometime you may get a reply and sometimes you will not. 

I have done it on several occasions. I prefer it when I do not get a reply because I have noticed it make more waves. In other words, I see the good results getting done. 

Emailing a pastor may not be so effective at all. I know priests who receive weekly emails criticizing their homilies and as such are rather tired of it. For a parish priest, I would recommend waiting for an occasion to talk to him personally even if that be via the phone because of the coronavirus situation. I can see how a comment on Facebook or in an email are simply disregarded by pastors.

You can always write the Holy Father directly. The best way is to write your concerns in a letter and send it to the [apostolic nuncio][1] of your country. 

The letter should be sent inside a larger envelope and with a outer letter requesting that it be given to the Supreme Pontiff via the next attaché pouch going to Rome. 

**Fair warning:** Such letters should be in an unsealed envelope, as the apostolic nuncio’s secretariat must read all correspondence destined to be handed over to the Pope in person. 

Not many Catholics have personal ties and friendships with cardinals or Vatican officials to circumvent this step. 

Go ahead and suggest your ideas in a letter to the Pope. Warning once more: Remain courtesy, polite, logical, and politically, scientifically, morally and theologically sound.

Homilies should be able to inspire **hope** and **personal holiness** in our times.

Homilies should inspire us to become saints and on the fast track during the **Coronavirus-19 pandemic**. Dot let the **pandemonium of Satan** rule our times. 

  [1]: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuncio