> ...Hence, public revelation is the deposit of faith and rule of faith
> and must be lived by all Catholics.[14] Saint Thomas Aquinas taught
> that all public revelation ended with the death of Saint John the
> Apostle. ... Private revelations cannot surpass, correct, improve, fulfill, complete, or perfect public revelation.


  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_revelation

If the Catholic Church approve a private revelation as worthy is the Church also obliged to follow the messages and requests?

I'm referring to the Fatima visions as they were approved by the Church.
In these visions, the Virgin Mary asks for the consecration of Russia. Is the Church obligated to do it or can the Church (pope) say this is a private revelation and we as the Church don't submit to its authority? Something like if God wants it the Holy Spirit would lead the Pope and the bishops the "standard" way as we know it from the tradition, similarly when they decide dogmas.