2 Peter 3:9 > The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand > slowness. Instead he is patient with **you**, not wanting anyone to > perish, but everyone to come to repentance From a similar <a href="https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/52562/how-do-calvinists-explain-gods-wanting-no-one-to-perish-and-electing-some-to-ju/52566#52566">question in Christianity SE</a> > It's true that some Calvinists take a different approach and suggest > that "all" in 2 Peter 3:9 refers **only to Christians** So.... God speaks to the people whom He knows that they are **Jesus believers** :<br> *I am patient with you.<br> I don't want anyone from you to perish.<br> I want everyone from you to come to repentance.* My question is: How come God doesn't want Jesus believers to perish and God wants Jesus believers to come to repentance? Aren't Jesus believers already a repented people (because elected) then impossible to perish?