I am a Christian, but have a hard time forgiving evil people, but I know that's what the Lord commanded me to do " Love and forgive your enemies , do good to those who persecute you....' ~ So, I do every day TRY to do this. I have no problem with sinners... my problem is with people who claim to be Christians and are backstabbers, greedy, racists, etc. --those are the people I have trouble loving ! --- But here is my question >>> "GOD IS LOVE" ... Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, but then he was SO upset with what he did, he publicly SHOUTED out " I have betrayed innocent blood" !! and he threw down the silver (didn't want it) and felt SO bad he killed HIMSELF ! ~~~ I am not very forgiving to backstabbers in my life, but even I would forgive somebody who had me killed for money IF then did the aforementioned things Judas did, feeling so bad ! If I would forgive a 'judas' , wouldn't The Lord ???