Joan Cruz's [*See How She Loves Us: 50 Approved Apparitions of Our Lady*][1], § "Our Lady of Lourdes":

>Members of the family and countless visitors had implored Bernadette several times to ask the identity of the Lady. Bernadette had done so, but the Lady had not responded. During the sixteenth apparition on March 25, 1858, the Feast of the Annunciation, Bernadette asked once more. This time the Lady responded in the Bigourdane dialect, “*Que soy era Immaculada Conceptiou*,” which means, “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

>In the year 1854, four years *before* the start of the apparitions at Lourdes, Pope Pius IX had declared [in [*Ineffabilis Deus*][2]] the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary to be an “article of faith” to be believed by all Catholics. The doctrine was neither understood nor discussed among persons of Bernadette’s station in life,* so it was reasonable that Bernadette did not understand the words spoken by the Lady.

<sup>*Her family was extremely poor, living in a barn with a window facing a dunghill.</sup>

St. Bernadette—who was 14 years old, unlettered, and failed her catechism exam—couldn't even pronounce "*Immaculada Conceptiou*" when she told others this was who the Lady said she was. However, priests certainly knew that the Immaculate Conception is the Mother of God. There is no way St. Bernadette could have fabricated this, which proves the miraculous nature of the Our Lady of Lourdes apparitions.
