Not trying to be devil's advocate or anything, but I am curious about what most denominations and christians believe about how the devil became evil.

To go based off these assumptions:

**The wages of sin is death. & 
Sin is creation not acting/being as God intended.**

It can be understood easily that humans can be held accountable to sin, because the devil can tempt them to do things that were not intended by God.

But can the devil same be understood about the devil? For what would tempt him? If all sovereign God intended for the devil to be holy and righteous, then something must tempt him for him to not act as he were intended, but there was nothing to tempt him. However, if God intended for Satan to become who he is now, then that explains how he became evil. And if he was intended to be evil (if that is how he was created) then is the devil actually in the wrong?

What are a couple view points of christians on this topic?