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Who defended the devil's salvation?

As the question states: who defended the devil's salvation? I know I've read of a Catholic saint who supposedly defended the devil's salvation. And why not? Maybe the devil has been greatly ...
Ingve Kjosaas's user avatar
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Does the "Oh My Jesus" prayer support universalist beliefs among Roman Catholics?

Particularly, "Lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy" implies a belief that everyone will eventually be saved. After all, who is more in need of God's mercy ...
K Man's user avatar
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Is it to say: "We can have reasonable hope that all will be saved" heretical? [duplicate]

Unfortunately, we can hear some lay Catholics (sometimes even a bishop) say that: "We can have reasonable hope that all will be saved". It seems obvious that the statement is untrue, however, is it a ...
Thom's user avatar
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What is the current and historical viewpoint on universal salvation as a doctrine in the Catholic Church?

What is the current and historical viewpoint on universal salvation as a doctrine in the Catholic Church? Is there any defence or reference to this doctrine in any of the current catechisms? And ...
David's user avatar
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Pope says Heaven apart from Christian faith?

In this article, ‘Is my dad in heaven?’ little boy asks pope is a heart wrenching story and would be a very difficult question to field admittedly. A young boy asks if his recently departed ...
L1R's user avatar
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Does the Catholic Church oppose universalism?

I've been reading George MacDonald as of late and have heard in a few places that he argues for universalism. I though that had something to do with unitarianism, but in looking it up a tad more, I ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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