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Questions tagged [symbolism]

The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Finding a mural of an unknown cathedral?

I am looking for the name of the cathedral that contains the following mural. What I know for sure is: That it has been done between 2004 and 2008, more likely in 2008. It was made in a Catholic ...
stx932's user avatar
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What was the difference between Berengar's view of the Eucharist and that of Zwingli?

Berengar of Tours played a major role in the Second Eucharistic Controversy, which took place in the 11th century. He opposed the increasing acceptance of proto-transubstantiation doctrines, arguing ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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What is the origins of Popes wearing a white soutane with other articles of clothing such as mozzetta in red?

What is the origins of Popes wearing a white soutane with other articles of clothing such as mozzetta in red? Most sources say that the pope wears a white soutane since the time of Pope Pius V. That ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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What is the origin and meaning of this symbol?

The symbol in the attached photo is on the side of a 1940s motorcycle purchased from a police vehicle auction. The symbol in question is mounted on the frame near the rear axle. Can anyone shed light ...
cpl's user avatar
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Overview: which denominations teach that the trees in Eden were symbolic vs literal?

In a comment to another question, someone commented that the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are "clearly" symbolic and not actual trees. I was surprised by that ...
T Hummus's user avatar
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Why is the RCA church more literal in scripture where the UCC church is allegorical?

I’ve attended numerous churches in both RCA and UCC denominations in which RCA had a very literal take on the crucifixion and resurrection where the UCC church has a very allegorical approach. ...
Gandalfous's user avatar
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Meaning of ring with seven spikes

I found this symbol on the stained glass of a Catholic church: What does it mean or represent? There's nothing else around this symbol, just what's in the image. To me, it looks like either a ring ...
John Patrick's user avatar