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Questions tagged [soteriology]

The study of the mechanisms by which an individual is saved.

12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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In Federal Vision theology, what is the difference between decisional regeneration and presupposed regeneration?

In some Reformed/Calvinist circles, a theological framework called the Federal Vision (FV) has led to significant internal debate over the true nature of the covenant between God and man, and, by ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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Was the Second Council of Quierzy (853) controlled by Hincmar against the Augustinians?

In a lecture, Reformed theologian and church historian Douglas Kelly says: Hincmar controlled a council – it was not a really representative council. He stacked it. […] The semi-Augustinian, proto-...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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Is there a Catholic “timeline” of Salvation?

This may come off as an odd request - but I’m looking for a catholic roadmap of salvation that gives an order to how one comes to salvation and maintain salvation through the sacraments. This request ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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What is the most authentic Reformed 'ordo salutis'?

This question follows on from a comment made in the previous closed question. The Wikipedia article on the subject of ordo salutis quotes and lists the following, in the following order, as '...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Churches with Abelard or Socinus view on atonement?

What are the names of some nowadays Churches or Denominations that hold Peter Abelard or Faustus Socinus views on atonement or Salvation? I mean Churches that hold the Moral or Example theory of ...
Gamal Thomas's user avatar
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Atonement in Eastern Orthodoxy

The mainline protestant idea of Atonement is, as Luther himself put it, this: Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins and was raised again for our justification (Romans 3:24–25). He ...
Dan's user avatar
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Which church fathers taught involuntary universal salvation?

Which early church fathers (including those now considered heretics like Origen) pre 1054 taught that "all will be saved", including all of the dead without "hearing and believing"? In other words, ...
SLM's user avatar
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What scriptural examples exist of people converting to righteousness from overt wickedness on account of a miraculous occurrence (e.g. Paul)?

A brief bit of context (feel free to edit it out if it's not appropriate for the site, but I think it'll help clarify exactly what I'm trying to achieve with this question): I am currently studying ...
Lige's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for Semi-Pelagianism?

Broadly speaking, Semi-Pelagianism is the idea that while we are born sinners, we are capable of seeking God without a supernatural "override" of our nature, such as that of Calvinism's ...
Isaac Middlemiss's user avatar
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How is the Extraordinary Means of Salvation in Catholicism not Pelagianism? (Cathechism 847)

The Catholic Catechism #847 gives exception to the (ordinary) rule of need for baptism for salvation. This extraordinary means is found outside the visible church, in the invisible church in ...
Michael16's user avatar
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According to Biblical Unitarians, what is the essential belief about Jesus in order to be saved?

The bible teaches many things about Jesus. Where he came from Who he came from When he originated What he was How do we know what the most important aspect of Jesus is from the bible with reference ...
steveowen's user avatar
-2 votes
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On Implicit Knowledge of the Incarnation

After the Fall, was the protoevangelium transmitted to all men so much so that all men have knowledge of the protoevangelium even if that knowledge was distorted? Every mythology has something ...
Lorenzo Gil Badiola's user avatar