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Questions tagged [soteriology]

The study of the mechanisms by which an individual is saved.

5 questions from the last 30 days
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8 answers

If salvation is by faith, and faith comes by hearing the word of Christ, can we be saved without having heard of Jesus?

The Bible says It is by grace that you are saved, by the means of faith. And it does not come from you, it is the gift of God’. (Eph 2:8). So faith comes from what we hear, and what we hear comes ...
1 vote
5 answers

How does salvation of people with dissociative identity disorder work?

Let's say that someone with DID (dissociative identity disorder) has 2 alters: an atheist and a faithful Christian. Where would that person go? To Heaven? To Hell? To some third place? This question ...
Chess Ice's user avatar
  • 463
-4 votes
7 answers

Is God being just by sending Christian murderers to Heaven?

Let's say that a Christian serial killer has murdered many people who happened to not be Christians. Would God be just by sending the Christian serial killer to Heaven, while sending his victims to ...
Chess Ice's user avatar
  • 463
-2 votes
1 answer

On Implicit Knowledge of the Incarnation

After the Fall, was the protoevangelium transmitted to all men so much so that all men have knowledge of the protoevangelium even if that knowledge was distorted? Every mythology has something ...
Lorenzo Gil Badiola's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do the various churches define the moment we receive the Holy Spirit?" [closed]

I am look for more insight. I have seen many interpretation of scripture but not one that completely explains what my question is.
AJL777's user avatar
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