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Questions tagged [soteriology]

The study of the mechanisms by which an individual is saved.

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Are the requirements for attaining godhood in LDS teaching the same or different for every world?

In my understanding of LDS teaching, both Jesus and Lucifer proposed plans of salvation to Elohim, and Jesus' plan was chosen. As a result, some people on earth may attain godhood if they follow the ...
Narnian's user avatar
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How much are we personally responsible for the salvation of someone else? [closed]

The quickest and easiest answer might be "not at all, as it's only between God and that person", but this question can lead to other question. For example, to the responsibility of a priest. Even as ...
vsz's user avatar
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What is renewing of the Holy Ghost?

In Paul's epistle to Titus in the third Chapter verses 4 through 7, He is relaying to Titus the change the grace of God makes through Salvation. In verse 5 he states that "he saved us, by the ...
BYE's user avatar
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-1 votes
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The Unforgivable Sin [duplicate]

I have a question that I need answered, I am fearfully worried for my salvation!. Some time ago I went through some spiritual problems - One such thing is that I started reading about the '...
TheMonkeyMan's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the First Death? [closed]

Revelation 20 (NIRV) 4 I saw thrones. Those who had been given authority to judge were sitting on them. I also saw the souls of those whose heads had been cut off because they had given ...
Mawia's user avatar
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Does Luke 13:24 give us a more vivid picture of how many people will be saved? [closed]

I mean how many times have we said 'let me see' or 'let me try'. Or how many times have we felt like - I'm trying to be a Christian. Seems like trying is not good enough according to Luke 13:24: ...
WelcomeNewUsers's user avatar
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Since Jesus death paid our sin debt in full, why do Christians still die? [duplicate]

In Genesis chapter two God places the burden of death on man's sin(disobedience of God). Genesis 2:17 KJV But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day ...
BYE's user avatar
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What kind of worship does God look for, for Salvation? [closed]

Through Gods word the bible, we are given commandments of what we shouldn't do and what we need to do in order to attain salvation. That last part is really what I'm focusing on. What does the New ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Does Hell exist according to Catholicism?

Does the Roman Catholic Church believe in the existence of Hell? If YES - Who will go to Hell and why? How long will they stay in Hell? Is there any second chance after they go to Hell? What should ...
Mawia's user avatar
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What is the Roman Catholic interpretation of John 3:16?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16, NIV) What is the Roman Catholic way of interpreting ...
Mawia's user avatar
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If Hell does not exist would God have sent Jesus to die? [closed]

There have been several comments on this site which tend to deny the existence of Hell. But Jesus tells me that the lake of fire is the place of Eternal punishment that God created for Satan and the ...
BYE's user avatar
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did GOD predestinate all of us? [duplicate]

where in the bible is stated that before GOD made heavens and earth he had write a book with all the names of those who had been saved in it?
lionel's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for a resistable enabling (prevenient) grace?

I see a few different uses of the term prevenient grace in questions here, so I will define what I meant first: a belief held by traditional Baptists and other non-reformed evangelicals, that though ...
Mike Walsh's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for "God's already forgiven you" teaching?

I have recently heard many preachers and teachers, in particular Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince, say things like, "God has already forgiven you. All you have to do is accept God's free gift of ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Is Catholicism a "works" denomination?

Catholicism venerates people's works as that is the only way to become a saint - you actually have to DO something. I understand that there has been a strong debate regarding faith or works (or ...
The Freemason's user avatar
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In 1 Peter 4:18, what does Peter mean by the righteous having difficulty to be saved? [closed]

And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner? (1 Peter 4:18, NASB). It seems that Peter wasn't talking about salvation from hell here ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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Does 2 Peter 1:10 teach salvation can be gained through faith plus works? [closed]

Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you ( 2 Peter 1:10 NASB)
R. Brown's user avatar
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Is faith the only thing we need to attain salvation? [duplicate]

There may be some denominations that believe faith is the only necessary thing to have to attain salvation or eternal life. However, I do not conform with this because faith is just the beginning, and ...
user avatar
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What is the difference between original sin and a sin nature?

As I understand Original sin it is being guilty of sin at birth because of Adam and Eve's first sin. I also understand that man has a propensity toward sin because of the inheritance of the Knowledge ...
BYE's user avatar
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In Roman Catholicism, what is the right way of praying for the salvation of departed souls?

In Roman Catholicism, I understand that as per traditions, while praying for the salvation of departed souls, we usually have to recite “Our Father and Hail Mary”. Are there any Church guidelines ...
Seek forgiveness's user avatar
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What is "New Creation" according to Protestants?

2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. It is undeniable that no one can live a perfect sinless ...
Mawia's user avatar
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Jesus said he was sent only for the lost sheep of Israel, so what is their destiny, according to Catholicism?

Jesus said: I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. (Matthew 15:24) It is safe to say he was rejected by the Jewish people (in general, excluding the few who may have believed he was ...
user1361315's user avatar
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Does eternal damnation still exist? [closed]

1 Timothy 2:4 NIV 'God our Savior [sic] who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth'. Anticipating his suffering and death, Jesus proclaims, John 12:31-32 NIV ...
Elberich Schneider's user avatar
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Was Jesus two separate individuals in one body?

I have always been told, and I thoroughly believe that Jesus was wholly God and wholly man. Since there are multiple occasions in the Bible where pre-incarnate Jesus apparently appeared to people, ...
BYE's user avatar
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Could you add in romans.8:1 "made righteous" either just before "in Christ" or after "in Christ"? [closed]

Could you add in romans.8:1 "made righteous" either just before "in Christ" or after "in Christ" and if it is doctrinally heresy, then why? I mean that how do you get to be "in Christ" if you are not ...
alvoutila's user avatar
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In Romans 8:1, what does "in Christ" mean? [closed]

What "are in christ" means in romans.8:1? How do I get to be in Christ so that I would have no condemnation?
alvoutila's user avatar
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Who says, "If you are going to Heaven, you will know it"?

I heard from some preachers(not prominent) that assurance of going to Heaven is a self-consciousness. You yourself will have the evident, proof or confident that you are indeed going to heaven. If you ...
Mawia's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the Biblical basis for thinking that Jesus died for me specifically?

I know that Jesus died for the whole world, but sometime this is phrased as Jesus died specifically for me. What is the Biblical basis for thinking that Jesus died for me specifically?
Ovi's user avatar
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Are we saved by grace or works? [closed]

Throughout the New Testament there seems to be a distinction drawn between grace and works, it is almost as if one salvation question is “who you are” and the second salvation question is “what have ...
Rick's user avatar
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The Eunuch being converted by Phillip? [closed]

There is a passage in the Bible talks about an eunuch traveling on the road and reading from Isaiah. The Phillip saw him, talked to him, and baptized him. Which passage is it? Is that passage enough ...
Ovi's user avatar
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How does Jesus' death and resurrection save humanity? [closed]

Time and again we hear that Christ died for our sins, or that Christ died so that we could be saved. But I've never understood how exactly the two are connected? In what way does the death of Christ ...
brianmearns's user avatar
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What did Jesus mean by saying "only a few find the narrow gate"? [closed]

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and ...
Theodore A. Jones's user avatar
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What is the "veil" that covers the heart when the Old Testament is read? [closed]

2 Corinthians 3:13-18 (NIV) We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. But their minds were made dull, ...
Mawia's user avatar
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Is an intellectual comprehension of the gospel by the earthly mind required for salvation? [closed]

The root of this question stems from wondering whether someone can have a saving relationship with Jesus without having the mental capacity or maturity that would be required to understand the gospel ...
RSW's user avatar
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How is Matthew 18: 8-9 explained in the context of non works-based salvation?

if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. ...
Ovi's user avatar
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Does infant baptism determine the child's afterlife, according to practitioners?

Among those denominations who practice infant baptism, does baptizing the baby have anything to do with the destination of the infant's soul? Which denominations, if any, believe that Infant Baptism ...
Mawia's user avatar
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Is John Piper a five point Calvinist?

John Piper is the well known and highly regarded (and recently retired) Pastor for Preaching and Teaching at Bethlehem Church in Minnesota, and the leader of Desiring God Ministries. Piper is widely ...
Philip Schaff's user avatar
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Did John Calvin teach that God creates certain souls only to be destroyed?

From what I understand, Calvin not only taught, but effectively systematized the doctrine of "predestinarianism," which holds that: God for His own glorification, and without any regard to original ...
user avatar
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What are typical Christian responses to The Grand Inquisitor?

Upon reading this chapter in the Brothers Karamazov I find myself confused as to why The Grand Inquisitor is considered to be such a powerful argument for atheism and against theodicy. What are ...
Simon P's user avatar
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Can the devil and/or yourself lead you to a wrong form of Christianity? [closed]

I have the fear that the devil and/or myself can lead me to a wrong form of Christianity, such as one subtly based on works, without you actually knowing it. Is there an example of this in the Bible, ...
Ovi's user avatar
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Do Christian groups which think homosexuality is a sin think you can be a practicing homosexual and also a Christian? [closed]

Many Christian groups condemn homosexuality as a sin, pointing to specific passages in the Bible and traditional Christian views on sexuality and marriage. How do these groups handle the question of ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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How do opponents of Decision Theology distinguish themselves from Universal Salvation?

There is a tradition, perhaps strongest in Lutheranism, that opposes what it calls "Decision Theology". Biblical support for opposing Decision Theology would come in passages like, "No one can say ...
pterandon's user avatar
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Is the Thief on the Cross the exception or the norm for quick salvation? [closed]

It seems that often we find answers to "What must I do to be saved?" that haul out a long laundry list of things to be done that could take hours-- weeks if the word "daily" is ...
pterandon's user avatar
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How do you know when you are truly saved, and how do you live as a Christian afterwards? [closed]

I'm 18 years old, and I was born in a Christian family (Evangelical), so I've been going to church and believed in Jesus my whole life. However, I am concerned about salvation. According to what I ...
Ovi's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for saying that we won't have a second chance to be saved after we die?

A commonly held belief is that people need to accept Jesus as Lord during their lifetime on Earth and failing to do so will result in the individual's damnation. Is there any support for this "last ...
Jeff's user avatar
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How have major theological traditions handled "continuing to indulge in sin when saved?"

There is interest in the question of what happens to someone who continues to indulge in a specific sinful habit while (apparently, originally) saved. What happens to this person? So far, I've asked ...
pterandon's user avatar
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What assures Christians that they alone are saved?

Christians claim that "they are saved by the sacrifice of Jesus." But there are also members of many other faiths who claim that they are saved. For example, apart from affirming Jesus to be the ...
JesusBoughtIslam's user avatar
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Is it necessary to be a Christian to be saved? [duplicate]

Is it necessary to have a Christian faith to be saved and not go to hell? Is it possible for a Muslim to go to heaven? Or do the bible specifically say that they are all going to hell (Muslims, Jew,...
FFCoder's user avatar
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If God is a God of love, why does God not make all souls in hell cease to exist? [closed]

If God is omnipotent, and a God of love, why does God not make all souls in hell cease to exist, and did it ever happen? Also, wouldn't a loving God end their suffering? Thank you for your answers.
user4167's user avatar
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Who goes to heaven?

Jesus was to have said in Matthew 5:20: For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. ...
user1477388's user avatar

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