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Questions tagged [sola-scriptura]

the doctrine that the Bible contains all knowledge necessary for salvation and holiness

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2 answers

How do Protestants define what constitutes getting married?

Background The Hebrew bible and New Testament make numerous references to the concept of marriage (Exodus 21:10; Genesis 2:24) and even include stories involving weddings such as the famous Wedding at ...
Avi Avraham's user avatar
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4 answers

How much knowledge of Scripture is enough? [closed]

I believe that after years of church going, one knows enough. Action is therefore key. Love and serve others as you would the Lord. That is my current stance. To me (protestant), pastors are ...
io_v's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the Westminster Confession's doctrine of Sola Scriptura incompatible with private revelations?

To clarify what I mean by private revelations, I'm referring to revelations by God through extra-biblical means, such as prophecies, dreams, and visions. Is the Westminster Confession's doctrine of ...
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12 votes
7 answers

Does Sola Scriptura imply that one should expect no personal spiritual experience of the Gospel?

I am seeking answers on the basis of Protestant Trinitarianism. As referenced in a previous answer regarding Sola Scriptura, Steven Lawson quotes Martin Luther, in a specialised article on Sola ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Scriptural support for trusting Scripture over private revelation

Several sects place a high premium on personal spiritual experience and/or personal revelation as a means for discovering Truth. For example: angelic visitations, miracles, dreams, visions, LDS's &...
Matthew's user avatar
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5 answers

Can I still be a Catholic if I don’t believe everything in line with the church?

Morning! I have a question about churches and baptisms. My partner and I are marrying in a Catholic Church. For background, I was raised by agnostic/ atheist parents, and my partner was raised non-...
Emma Le Breton's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Should a Protestant accept the Nicene Creed? [closed]

In chapter 24.1 of his authoritative book on the fourth century Arian Controversy - The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God - Bishop RPC Hanson discusses how the various parties in that ...
Andries's user avatar
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1 answer

How many prayers (to Heaven) by believers are in the 66 books of the (Protestant) Bible? Are any literally addressed to anyone except God?

I have counted over 200 prayers by believers (though not being thorough in Psalms) but find none addressed to anyone else in Heaven but God, or exhortations to do so. While support for this is ...
Daniel1212's user avatar
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Are there different Trinitarian foundations?

I read with interest a comment on CSE recently that stated- Scoping the question to Trinitarians in general may open the door to doctrines that may have some biblical basis, but are mostly based on ...
steveowen's user avatar
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Martin Luther's explanation of Sola Scriptura

What was Martin Luther's explanation of Sola Scriptura in his writings? And did he use Sola Scripura by name?
Wenura's user avatar
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Church Fathers on Sola Scriptura

Did early church fathers teach about sola Scriptura? A common definition of sola scriptura is that it: posits the Bible as the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith (source). P.s- ...
Wenura's user avatar
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Are there any Christian churches that believe in both Sola Scriptura and Continuationism?

Are there any Christian churches / denominations that simultaneously adhere to Sola Scriptura and believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12) are still available to the body of Christ? In ...
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Does Sola Scriptura entail Cessationism?

As a follow-up to my previous question What is the difference between Sola Scriptura and the belief in a closed canon?, I would like to know now about the implications that the doctrine of Sola ...
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6 votes
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What is the difference between Sola Scriptura and the belief in a closed canon?

Does belief in Sola Scriptura entail belief in a closed canon? Does belief in a closed canon entail belief in Sola Scriptura? What is the difference between these two concepts? Is it possible to ...
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According to proponents of Sola Scriptura, what are examples of logical contradictions between doctrines from the Bible and LDS sacred books?

For proponents of Sola Scriptura, only the Bible is inspired and authoritative. For Latter-day Saints, three additional books are inspired and authoritative too: the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and ...
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17 votes
5 answers

How do Sola Scriptura defenders have a list of "scripture" since the list isn't mentioned in scripture?

Sola Scriptura can be broken into two parts: Sola - Alone Scriptura - The sacred Scriptures One aspect of Sola Scriptura is the idea that Scripture is the Sole Infallible AND Authoritative rule of ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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How do proponents of Sola Scriptura defend the doctrine without scripture being canonized until after the proof texts were written?

Sola Scriptura needs to be defended by Scriptures, because any argument that is given outside the scriptures is not authoritative or infallible, so Sola Scriptura won’t support the argument. But I ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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Are there published testimonies from Christians who independently discovered the doctrine of the Trinity on their own by just reading the Bible?

How likely is it for a person, who has never heard of the concept of the Trinity before, to discover Trinitarianism, independently, on their own, by just reading the Bible? Are there any published ...
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Can the doctrine of Continuationism be logically deduced from Scripture via deductive reasoning?

According to Continuationists, is it possible to make a case for the doctrine of Continuationism through logical argumentation based on deductive reasoning and Scripture alone (i.e. without appealing ...
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Can the doctrine of Cessationism be logically deduced from Scripture via deductive reasoning?

According to Cessationists, is it possible to make a case for the doctrine of Cessationism through logical argumentation based on deductive reasoning and Scripture alone (i.e. without appealing to ...
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14 votes
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How do proponents of Sola Scriptura choose the "correct" interpretation of a key Bible verse?

As a Protestant who really tries to abide by the sola scriptura principle to subject my understanding of God, His works, and His relation to us under the accepted Protestant canon, I am bewildered on ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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How do Reformed Protestants interpret Matthew 18:18?

How do Reformed Protestants interpret Matthew 18:18? Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. - Matthew 18:...
R. Brown's user avatar
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What contemporary definitions of Sola Scriptura are there, from self-professed proponents, which do not call it the supreme spiritual authority?

The doctrine of Sola Scriptura is generally defined as the belief that, while tradition, reason, and experience may be sources of spiritual knowledge for the Christian, the scriptures are the only ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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What is the first documented usage of "Prima Scriptura"?

While the concept may have existed far prior, a recent discussion has left me wondering - What is the earliest documented usage of the term "Prima Scriptura" in Christian writings. I am not interested ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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What is the earliest documented usage of the term "Sola Scriptura"?

While the concept may have existed far prior, a recent discussion has left me wondering - What is the earliest documented usage of the term "Sola Scriptura" in Christian writings. I am not interested ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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Why do 21st century Protestants still not include the deuterocanonical books in the canon?

Given the Protestant motto semper reformanda and the doctrine of sola scriptura which in essence strives to purify Christian teaching to be based only on the Word of God interpreted through the lens ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
9 votes
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How do proponents of Sola Scriptura address the ministry of those Apostles who authored no parts of Scripture?

My purpose is to find a defense of sola scriptura against one part of the argument put forth in this article: The author of the article ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
-3 votes
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2 Timothy 3:16-17 , if Paul teach Timothy that the Scripture is sufficient, then why make another Scripture according to the Calvinist?

Here is a quote from an article about the verse I read in this link : Verse 16 is a crucial text in our discussion. All Scripture (Greek: graphe which is refering to the sacred writings). Here is ...
karma's user avatar
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How do Protestant Christians explain gender dysphoria/transgenderism?

The Scripture mentions homosexual practises a lot but Scripture seems silent about transsexualism. This question is asking answers from a Protestant perspective preferably those who uphold the ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "sola scriptura"?

I often see "sola scriptura" used with two very different meanings. Serendipitously, when I typed the title question, the first two "Similar questions" presented by SE were: What is the basis for ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
18 votes
9 answers

How can Protestants authoritatively declare something wrong or heretical under Sola Scriptura?

Within Protestantism there is no universal definition of theology or how to understand the Bible: Anglicans have one definition, Lutherans another, Calvinists another, (insert name here), etc. So ...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the origin of the term Prima Scriptura and the background against which it was defined?

Prima Scriptura is the doctrine that canonized scripture is "first" or "above all" other sources of divine revelation. Implicitly, this view acknowledges that, besides canonical scripture, there ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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On what basis do Protestants extend the New Covenant to include gentiles?

Given "sola scriptura" and the explicit assertions in scripture regarding the participants in the covenant ("the houses of Israel and Judah") how do Protestants justify teaching it ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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How do Protestants reconcile their confession of the Athanasian Creed with sola scriptura?

It must be admitted by Protestants that only the most banal of the 44 assertions of the Creed of Athanasius appear in the pages of scripture and that its authority is Catholic tradition, justified ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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Don't we need Biblically definitive eisegesis to Exegete properly? [closed]

I've been looking at some of the thoughts on eisegesis and it seems that the general tone is always negative when the term comes up. However, when we read the bible in an Exegetical way in order to ...
Lowther's user avatar
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Are there sola scriptura inerrantists who reject sensus unum as a general hermeneutic?

I have noticed that adherers to sola scriptura that defend biblical inerrancy nearly always argue from a sensus unum understanding of scripture as opposed to a sensus plenior understanding of ...
Joseph Hinkle's user avatar
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Did the Catholic Church proscribe private ownership and reading of scripture?

I have heard that the Catholic Church did not permit private ownership of scripture nor any attempts to read and understand it so that the only copies were the ones possessed by the Church and the ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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According to Protestantism, why God did not inspire New Testament writers to explicitly assert Sola Scriptura?

I think it is a fairly uncontroversial claim that the Bible (and particularly the NT) does not explicitly assert Sola Scriptura (e.g. here, here). Now, if God fully inspired the Bible (even to the ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Between Sola Scriptura Churches, has it happen that there is a difference interpretation to the same verse?

For example, to the 1 Samuel 28 verse, Sola Scriptura Church-A teach "it's Samuel himself who talk" while Sola Scriptura Church-B teach "it's the demon who talk, not Samuel". Or it will never ...
karma's user avatar
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What clues for the "sola scriptura" Church did the Apostles leave behind?

The question is based on an article, stating For me, powerful evidence that sola scriptura was not in the minds of Christians living in the post-apostolic period is that there isn't a hint in the ...
aska123's user avatar
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How do adherents of sola scriptura respond to "extra" biblical beliefs?

"Extra" in the sense that these beliefs were kept by the Jews but not found in the (39 book) old testament, but nevertheless recorded in the new testament books. And coming he dwelt in a city ...
aska123's user avatar
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How does the Westminster Confession address the paradox of the Bible canon?

Chapter I, Article IV of the Westminster Confession (1647) reads: The authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, and obeyed, dependeth not upon the testimony of any man, or ...
guest37's user avatar
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Refute perceived differences in the Gospel between Peter and Paul from Sola Scriptura perspective [closed]

What is the biblical evidence in keeping with the Protestant, Sola Scriptura perspective, for refuting a claim that Paul's gospel differed from Peter's gospel? I see in Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1-2 ...
MutluAnne's user avatar
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How do "faith alone" proponents interpret James 2:24? [duplicate]

James 2:24 (KJV) Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. How do Protestants who believe in faith alone interpret James 2:24? And if they believe in sola ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Does the Catholic Church officially claim that the Bible is insufficient without tradition?

I read this quote at the Christian Research Institute's site: One, the fact that Scripture, without tradition, is said to be “God-breathed” (theopnuestos) and thus by it believers are “competent, ...
karma's user avatar
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Did the original reformers believe in a Magisterium?

I have seen the original reformers referred to as the "Magisterial reformers" a couple of times over the past few years, and I'm only now wondering what the significance of that phrase is. Does it ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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In what sense is the bible is "clear"/perspicuous?

What do protestants mean when they say that the bible is "clear"? I would assume that it would mean that people reading the Bible or any part of it generally come up with more or less the same idea of ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
7 votes
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What was first, sola scriptura or sola fide?

I just watched a video with an Orthodox professor, in which he said that "Sola Scriptura" came first, and then "Sola Fide". Is that true? The best I can gather from the Wiki articles on these two ...
brilliant's user avatar
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According to Reformed theology, where is the Scriptural evidence for homoousion?

The Westminster Confession of Faith says: The whole counsel of God, concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith, and life, is either expressly set down in scripture, ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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According to Reformed churches, is the trinity a finalized doctrine?

From 325 AD at the Council of Nicea up to about the 8th century, councils have been held to determine the correct nature of God. It was eventually decided that the bible reveals a triune god- one god ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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