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According to Catholic Tradition, did God the Father ever teach or punish God the Son?

Catholics are taught to believe in the Trinity - God in Three Persons - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If Catholics are taught to worship God "The Father" and God "The Son", ...
Jim G.'s user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, why is God called “Father” (and not, say, “Mother”)?

Throughout the Bible, Jesus specifically refers to God as Father, and us as his sons. Why is it significant that God is a Father? Why did God choose the image of “Father,” as opposed to other ...
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
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How do the Orthodox and Catholics understand the spiration of the Holy Spirit?

The following are definition(s) of SPIRATION (source): 1 a obsolete : the action of breathing as a creative or life-giving function of the Deity b (1) : the act by or manner in which the Holy ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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