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Which Person of the Trinity is the Ancient of Days sitting on His throne?

Accordring to Trinitarians who is this person with a form, sitting on His throne? Daniel 7:9-27 New King James Version Vision of the Ancient of Days 9 “I watched till thrones were put in place, And ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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According to Trinitarians, which person/essence/being/substance/relation is "the Living God"?

Psalm 84:2 My soul longs, yes, even faints For the courts of YHWH; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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How do Trinitarians explain the Athanasian Creed saying that the "one God" is the Trinity rather than the Father as in the Nicene Creed?

In Scripture and the early Creeds, "one God" is used primarily to refer to God the Father: 1 Cor 8:6 (NIV): yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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In Catholic theology is Yehovah the Father or all three persons?

When reading the Hebrew scriptures and one encounters a reference to Yehovah, does that map in the NT to the Father? Or to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? For example, in this passage can we be ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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According to Protestantism why did God choose the persona of a Father?

Throughout the Bible, God uses the persona of a Father. Jesus specifically refers to God as Father, and us as his sons. Why is it significant that God is a Father? And why did God choose the nature ...
Bluephlame's user avatar
15 votes
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Does the divine name YHWH (יַהְוֶה) apply equally to all Persons of the Trinity? (Catholic/Nicene perspective)

According to the Catholic Church (and other Nicene Churches), does the divine name YHWH (יַהְוֶה) apply equally to all Persons of the Sacred Trinity?
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar