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Questions tagged [perfection]

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4 votes
8 answers

How can one counter-argue this argument against the existence of God?

Argument: If God is the Creator, He cannot be perfect. For either God created the world desiring it or not desiring it. If he did not wish it, it implies that he does not have total control over his ...
4 votes
3 answers

Why is "being created" considered an imperfection? [closed]

I've seen the uncreated God contrasted many times to the created angels, Satan, and humans, and etc. Being created is counted against the latter category as a mark of imperfection which God does not ...
1 vote
4 answers

Does "perfect" imply never having changed? Does the Bible say so?

"God is perfect" is often used as a justification for the belief that God never became God, but that rather, He never changed, but simply always was God, and always was perfect. What is the ...
6 votes
2 answers

What do Protestant Christians believe about sanctification, holiness, and attaining perfect love in this life?

When I first became a Christian my Baptist minister spoke about sanctification, holiness and aspiring toward Christian perfection in our lives. Personally, I doubt any of us will see perfection this ...
5 votes
4 answers

If God is perfect; why was the first covenant faulty?

In Hebrews 8, the author discusses the two covenants God has made. Why the need for two? Surely God knew that the first could not be kept by man. Why didn’t He just start with the covenant of Christ?
2 votes
3 answers

How do Christians that believe in creatio ex nihilo answer the question of why human beings are not created with a perfect character from the outset?

This question is a spin-off of the previous discussion How do proponents of the “free-will defense” against the problem of evil explain that God can be free and immune to moral evil at the same time?. ...
4 votes
1 answer

How do Latter-day Saints answer the question of why human beings are not created with a perfect character from the outset?

This question is a spin-off of the previous discussion How do proponents of the “free-will defense” against the problem of evil explain that God can be free and immune to moral evil at the same time?. ...
4 votes
5 answers

If God is perfect, do we live in the best of all possible worlds?

God is supposed to be perfect. If the world is the work of a perfect god, it should be, as Leibniz argued, the best possible world. But it is not very difficult to imagine a better world than this. ...
2 votes
3 answers

Do Christians believe that God chose to create the "best possible world" among multiple/infinite alternatives, by maximizing a "Goodness" function?

Do Christians (or at least a well-known subset of them) believe that God chose to create the "best possible world" among multiple/infinite alternatives, and therefore, that we are living in ...
1 vote
1 answer

In Didache 16, is the author teaching a perfectionism at odds with Catholicism and Protestantism?

...Chapter 16. Watchfulness; the Coming of the Lord. Watch for your life's sake. Let not your lamps be quenched, nor your loins unloosed; but be ready, for you know not the hour in which our Lord will ...
4 votes
2 answers

In Hebrew 5:9, what changed about the Son's perfection?

In the book of Hebrews, we read: 8 Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him 10 and was ...
-3 votes
1 answer

According to the Catholic Church , did Jesus project God the Father as the role model of perfection?

We see Jesus saying at Matthew 5:48 (NRSVCE) "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" Now, the image of God the Father that the Jewish people had had, before they listened to ...
4 votes
1 answer

Perfect relationship between Trinity and other relationships in heaven - Catholic

My question can sound like a question out of blue, but I am going to ask it anyway. We can come up with many different descriptions of so called "perfect relationship", but for Christians the best ...
0 votes
1 answer

How are Supererogative acts even possible in Catholicism?

God, through each person of the Holy Trinity, the Prophets, the Saints, and his people set out what to do in order to enter the kingdom of heaven through the commandments, through the beatitudes, ...
3 votes
3 answers

Is being "sinless" the same as "being perfect"? [closed]

Jesus taught us to be perfect He also taught us to be without sin. Furthermore, He came to make us perfect and to take away our sin. My question is: are these two states identical? If I were perfect,...
4 votes
6 answers

Was Jesus perfect his entire life? - Isaiah 7 [closed]

Was Jesus perfect his entire life? This passage seems to suggest otherwise. I've never had a good answer to this question when referring to this passage. Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, “Ask a sign ...
3 votes
1 answer

According to Catholicism what does it mean for every relationship in heaven to be perfect and fulfilling?

The Catholic church teaches that every relationship in heaven will be perfect and fulfilling (for example, see this American Catholic reflection written by Friar Jim Van Vurst, O.F.M.). What does ...
22 votes
7 answers

Is it possible for The Bible to contain errors? [closed]

For those who profess to follow the word of Christ, everyone agrees that the Bible is the infallible word of God as transcribed by many different men compiled together in one book. But for this ...
9 votes
4 answers

Will we be perfect in Heaven?

I think most (if not all) Christians would agree that there will be no sin in heaven. However, we often make mistakes that aren't sinful: accidentally spilling a glass of milk isn't a sin. We don't ...
16 votes
6 answers

Why does the Messiah have to be God? [closed]

It seems to be incredibly important to numerous "brands" of Christianity that Jesus be God. So much so, that traditions that reject the deity of Christ are often dismissed as heretical by orthodox ...
1 vote
2 answers

Does the story of the Rich Young Ruler preclude Jesus from having any money of his own? [closed]

Jesus, himself, said this: Matthew 19:21 If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. Ref. http://...
8 votes
1 answer

What is the "new doctrine" that Leo Tolstoy mentions in *Anna Karenina*?

In Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina (1873-1877), there's a point where the author refers to a "new doctrine" that was fashionable among the Russian upper classes. The following extract is ...
-2 votes
2 answers

How does "being born a sinner" compare to "being born perfect" affect one's outlook on life and problem solving? [closed]

I'm trying to understand how accepting the idea of "being born a sinner" contrasts with "being born perfect"... because once someone has the mental capacity to understand that they aren't perfect then ...
4 votes
1 answer

Definition of God in Christianity? [closed]

I saw the question here, but that's not exactly what I want to know about christianity, I just want frank explicit answers, not on the nature of God (that I accept that The full nature of the infinite ...
6 votes
4 answers

If humans are now genetically tainted by corruption, what was perfection like? [closed]

I have frequently heard the argument that various human frailties, such as dying of old age, are the result of corruption after the original sin; less frequently, but often enough to get my attention, ...