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Questions tagged [pelagianism]

The view that humans can choose good or evil without special Divine aid

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2 answers

How does Orthodox Theology reject original sin and not fall into Pelagianism?

One big difference between the Eastern and Western churches is the idea of original sin, Instead of "original sin" the Orthodox Church holds to "ancestral sin" which has been ...
babbott's user avatar
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How is the Extraordinary Means of Salvation in Catholicism not Pelagianism? (Cathechism 847)

The Catholic Catechism #847 gives exception to the (ordinary) rule of need for baptism for salvation. This extraordinary means is found outside the visible church, in the invisible church in ...
Michael16's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference between the various perspectives on God's sovereignty/omniscience and man's free will?

I've been studying the topic of Open Theism in comparison to other perspectives on God's sovereignty, omniscience, and man's free will. As I understand it, on a scale spanning from full on ...
tlewis3348's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a theological link between the views of Cassian and Pelagius and Arminianism?

During the fifth century, John Cassian claimed that the initial steps to salvation were in the power of each individual, unaided by grace. He reacted against Augustine’s view of the irresistible ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Did Pelagius or Pelagians in General Deny Orthodox Christology

In St. John Cassian's work "On the Incarnation: Against Nestorius" he claims that Pelagius believed that Jesus Christ had lived as a mere man without any stain of sin, they actually went so far as ...
Ian's user avatar
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Was St. John Chrysostom Pelagian?

In this answer about Pelagianism (Did Pelagius believe in "faith alone"?) the author makes a sort of apology for Pelagianism and claims that St. John Chrysostom was Pelagian himself. The ...
Ian's user avatar
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How was Pelagianism originally formally defined?

The terms "Pelagianism" and "Semipelagianism" are often used in polemical contexts, but what was specifically anathematized by the church when the Pelagian heresy was originally condemned?
Mr. Bultitude's user avatar
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Did the Second Council of Orange deny the "certain efficacy" of grace?

B. B. Warfield says in The Plan of Salvation [PDF]: Into the place of Pelagianism there stepped at once Semipelagianism; and when the controversy with Semi-pelagianism had been fought and won, into ...
Mr. Bultitude's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Did Pelagius believe in "faith alone"?

The doctrine of "faith alone," or sola fide, teaches that people are justified only by their faith in Christ, not by any works they do. It was emphasized during the Protestant Reformation, where it ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Who first said, "We are all born Pelagians?"

In What Is Reformed Theology? R. C. Sproul attributes the following quote to Roger Nicole, a 20th century Reformed theologian: We are all born Pelagians. (source) By this, Sproul means to say that ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between the Christologies of Nestorianism and Pelagianism?

Both Nestorius and Pelagius believed in a composite subject Christology that the person of Christ is a divine-humane person, the Logos and His tabernacle. Their Christology were condemned at Ephesus (...
Adithia Kusno's user avatar