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8 answers

Are pagan gods possessed by demon? How can Jesus help with influence from pagan hindu deities?

I have a background involving the worship of Ganesha, the Hindu elephant-headed deity, and I’ve recently begun exploring Christianity. Since this transition, I’ve faced troubling experiences and ...
Phil Francis's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What specific strategies exist in apologetics to effectively engage and persuade individuals who adhere to pagan beliefs?

Note: This question has been inspired by the related question Convince a Heathen Theologian with 25 years of Experience I'm intrigued by the prospect of tailoring apologetics strategies specifically ...
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0 votes
6 answers

Convince a Heathen Theologian with 25 years of Experience

Here, I would like to conjure an excercise, as I am well schooled in history and theology of Judeo-Christianity as a side-kick to my Graeco-Roman theological studies and other comparative systems of ...
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4 answers

Why did Abraham and Isaac instruct their children to marry only from their clan?

Abraham was from a pagan family, separated by his call to God. His families I supposed weren't different from the Canaanites in pagan worship. In some instances, the Canaanites proved more morally ...
ken4ward's user avatar
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What were the practices observance of which was abhorred by St Paul in Gal 4:9-10?

In Galatians 4:9-10 we see St Paul sending a terse message to the faithful abhorring their observance of days, months, seasons and years terming them weak and beggarly elements. Unfortunately, he does ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there any passages in Early Christian literature that discuss angels and pagans?

Are there any passages in Early Christian literature that discuss angels and pagans? Are there any statements that suggest that angels were created specifically by God only for Christians and not for ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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Did the Reformers accuse the Catholic Church of being "a pagan mixture"?

I saw a TikTok video saying that "The Catholic church is a pagan mixture" accusation entirely came after the 19th century and none of the 16th-century original reformers make that argument. ...
Wenura's user avatar
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2 answers

Do Christians use ancient Greek polytheistic connotations when defining the literal meaning of Hell?

Hell Christian theology invokes a very frightening image of Hell, which is quite close to how the ancient Greeks envisaged Tartarus. Wikipedia In Christian theology, Hell is the place or state into ...
John Strachan's user avatar
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1 answer

The cult of Saints

Apart from Catholicism (and, in the past, Anglo-Saxon Christianity), are there any other confessions that allow or encourage the cult of Saints? Can it be considered as a sort of paganism? Edit: I ...
user157860's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Was the date of Christmas just derived from Saturnalia and other winter pagan festivals? [duplicate]

This picture and the answer at Why is Christmas on December 25th? seems to explain the biblical basis of the date., the topmost answers however on https://...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
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2 answers

What Pagan elements were adopted in christianity?

I have commonly come across the belief that "newer" religions integrate existing customs and traditions into their own. So what traditions and customs in Christianity can be traced back (...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Are there any accounts of former Pagans being supernaturally reached by God (or an angel) with the Gospel before any human missionary arrived?

Continuing with a series of questions on the eternal fate of the unreached (see here, here, here and here), I would like to ask a question now about the possibility of God Himself reaching unconverted ...
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4 answers

According to believers in the inexorable damnation of the unreached, why should they be punished in Hell and not be given more merciful alternatives?

Inspired by a thought-provoking comment section discussion about an answer to my previous question According to believers in the inexorable damnation of the unreached, how is God not unfair for ...
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18 votes
4 answers

According to believers in the inexorable damnation of the unreached, how is God not unfair for letting someone be born in unreachable conditions?

It is a fact of history that many unfortunate people have been born in conditions where it has been pretty much impossible for them to even dream of having a chance to hear the message of salvation -- ...
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3 answers

What did the Early Church Fathers believe about the fate of the unreached?

Many individuals have died and continue to die without ever having heard the message of salvation. Illustrative examples of this are everyone who was born before Jesus, individuals contemporary to ...
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6 votes
2 answers

What would Christians sympathetic to Holy Spirit 'speaking in tongues' today say about such a practice going on in non-Christian religions?

I found this claim in a Protestant Christian web-site (which prompts this question): "In just about every part of the world, glossolalia can be observed. Pagan religions all over the world are ...
Anne's user avatar
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What spiritual principles/laws are at play during a ritual child sacrifice to Molech, Baal or any other pagan deity, as recorded in the Old Testament?

The Old Testament alludes to--and utterly condemns--the sacrifice of children and other condemnable pagan practices that were widespread among the Canaanite nations, for which God decided to punish ...
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Does Augustine ever say that Christians in his time identify their Deus [God] with the Roman deity Saturn?

I first encountered this notion on p. 30 of R.S. Sugirtharajah's book The Bible and the Third World: Precolonial, Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters (2001, Cambridge University Press). In reference ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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Why do other religions exist if Yahweh is the one true God?

God is omnipotent and loves his human children. If that is the case why does he allow the continued propagation and existence of other religions. Does this signify that there is in fact no reason for ...
Jathin Emmnauel Joseph's user avatar
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How do Catholics respond to claims that Christianity was paganised by the Roman Empire?

The Catholic Encyclopaedia seems to suggest that the Church chose this day because it was the day of the Roman celebration: Dies Natalis Solis Invicti — the birthday of Sol Invictus, (the God of ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Where does Marsilio Ficino write that all nations refer to God with a four-letter name? [closed]

I have seen quoted in the name of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), also spelled Marcellus Ficin, that all nations of the world worship a God whose name is spelled with four letters. Does anybody know ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Catholic Church and the Critique of Pagan Worship? [closed]

There has and still is a major Critique of The Catholic Church when it comes to doctrine around the Pope and the leadership structure and also what is seen as the worship of Mary, you may also add the ...
Northlight2018's user avatar
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Did the church use stories like the Holy Grail to attract pagans?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I am avid watcher of the History Channel series on the Templar Knights. In one episode, the character playing the Pope announces that stories like the Holy ...
geoffmpm's user avatar
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Are there any American Christian denominations that refer to the days of the week by alternate names?

At this time of year Bible and Christianity fora are full of posts hinting that Christians who celebrate Christmas are guilty of paganism because it coincides with some pagan holiday celebrated in ...
guest37's user avatar
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Where, if anywhere, is it explicitly stated that the Church may borrow and adapt heathen feasts?

I think I remember having read some official document of the Catholic Church (maybe even of Vatican II) explicitly stating that the Church, while establishing the Faith in a heathen area or culture, ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Can I become a messianic Jew [duplicate]

I am a Christian....however I no longer believe in many of the celebrations.... Christmas....Easter.....these are indeed pagan holidays and I think even if the person does not pay tribute to Nimrod ...
Donna's user avatar
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1 answer

Where does the bible reference a pagan sun god that was worshipped by the pagan cultures surrounding Israel? [closed]

Where is a pagan sun god referenced in terms of the sun that was created by God?
Connie's user avatar
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Does the very meaning of the word Catholic indicate how the church came about?

Catholic adjective 1. broad or wide-ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad-minded; liberal. Does this ...
Kristopher's user avatar
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Are there any Christian denominations that incorporate Odinism?

Are there any Christian denominations or specific churches that incorporate Odinism or Odinistic cultural traditions? Perhaps, as a way to show that the original religion of northern Europe was not ...
Greg McNulty's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are Christianity and occultism irreconcilable? [closed]

Occultism, both in subtle and patent forms, is everywhere in our modern societies. A workmate tells you about a ouija seance she attended (and what she saw there, to her surprise), another tells you ...
Pedro Pablo's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Fallen Angels worshiped in ancient civilizations?

Ok, so I am doing research for a fictional book and in my research I have come across the names of 2 fallen angels (book of Enoch) that take advantage of mankind and allow man to worship them like god....
Jonathan V. Williams's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Do Evangelicals see Catholics as pagans?

This question is based on my personal experience. Some time ago I had a discussion with a friend of mine who's an evangelical pastor. In a very subtle way, he was asserting that I actually believe ...
Daniele B's user avatar
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Is paganism compatible with Christianity? [closed] defines Pagan as: of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks. 2.a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. ...
rpeg's user avatar
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