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From a Protestant perspective, do we really have free will if sin nature is passed on from Adam and Eve to us?

If we are born with a sinful nature from Adam, does that really mean we have free will, since the sin nature makes us more likely to choose to sin?
exodus's user avatar
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Does the Bible ever describe the Fall in ways different than Genesis 3?

In his book In the Beginning, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote the following with regards to the pre-Pauline hymn of Phil 2:5-11: We cannot consider this extraordinarily rich and profound text [Phil ...
Doubt's user avatar
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How do proponents of Original Sin support a strictly literal interpretation of Genesis

Many modern theologians who adhere to the doctrine of original sin are often proponents of the claim that Genesis is to be interpreted strictly literally (most strictly as a 7 day creation of a young ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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What are some sources of March, 25th being the date of the creation of the world, or of the creation of Adam and Eve, or of their disobedience?

As per title, I read -- in a very uninformed way -- of these traditions, among many others, in regards to March, 25th: A) it would be the date of the creation of the world B) it would be the ...
Rintil's user avatar
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What prominent Christian thinkers (if any) held to polygenism and if so how did these thinkers view original sin? [duplicate]

Have any influential or well known (be it in scholastics or in media) Christian thinkers express views that the first 'couple' was 'couples' (polygenism) and if so, how did they reconcile this ...
Manwe Elder's user avatar
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What caused the Fall of Mankind?

Was the fall initiated by a transgression of faith, because man trusted the word of the serpent more than the word of God, or was it a transgression of God’s law (an act of disobedience)? Do ...
Rick's user avatar
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Why is the curse of original sin not specific to humans?

From what I learned in church the whole world "fell" after Adam sinned. Now the typical question is why should everyone have to pay the price and is usually answered by we would have done the same if ...
Greg McNulty's user avatar
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Sin and Animal Suffering before the fall?

This question, most likely, has the presumption of theistic evolution or at least 'old-earth' creationism, however answers without that presumption are welcome. Suffering and pain exist in our world ...
aceinthehole's user avatar
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Original sin and its consequences [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How could a loving, just, merciful God have created such an unfair test for humans? It's said that death came into the world due to the primary sin of Adam and Eve. But if ...
Chris's sister's user avatar
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Why has God punished every human for one person's sin? [closed]

God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden because Eve ate the fruit that God told her not to. And this let evil into the world. If God loves everyone, so much so that he let his son die for us,...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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