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If there were no Original Sin, would've everyone been married?

Benedict Ashley, O.P., Spiritual Direction in the Dominican Tradition p. 50 claims: Naturally speaking, the human species is divided equally into male and female, so that every human can find a ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Original/First Sin: As presented by the catholic and orthodox chuches appear to be the same but they both claim otherwise

I was looking up some stuff and noticed that multiple sources claim that the Catholics and Orthodox have a different view on the "first sin" or "original sin". There is this ...
Wyrsa's user avatar
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According to Catholic theology, did Eve have Original Sin, or only her own personal sin?

If Original Sin is Adam's sin, did Eve have Original Sin? If so, then how did she "catch" it from Adam? Or is her (and women's) punishment in Gen. 3:16 only due to her actual sin of pride, ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Did Original Sin derive solely from Adam or from both Adam and Eve?

Pohle, God the Author of Nature and the Supernatural pt. 2, ch. 2, §3, art. 4, 1. claims: It is a controverted question among theologians whether [1] original sin derives solely from Adam or [2] from ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Is money a consequence of Original Sin?

Kinsella, The Wife Desired p. 77 claims: It has been stated that money is the root of all evil. [1 Tim. 6:10: "the desire of money is the root of all evils"; cf. Summa Theologica I-II q. 84 ...
Geremia's user avatar
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If Jesus Christ was born without the original sin, then how could He have died?

Death was introduced after the original sin (Adam was immortal until the fall), some people even think that Our Lady didn't die but just was assumpted in her sleep. If Christ didn't have the original ...
hellofriends's user avatar
5 votes
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Does the Catholic church teach that sin is "transmitted" by the father?

Many questions on this site (usually about Catholic/Marian doctrine) have had references to sin as being inherited/transmitted from the father (and specifically the father, as opposed to either/both ...
Isaac Middlemiss's user avatar
3 votes
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St. Augustine's view on transmission of original sin?

What was the St. Augustine's view on transmission of original sin?
Wenura's user avatar
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What is the Catholic view of the biological transmission of original sin?

Does the Catholic church have a dogmatic position on whether original sin is transmitted biologically? Or is it a theological opinion which is optional? If it is a dogmatic position, what is the ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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According to Roman Catholicism, Mary loved God of her own free will. Does her love mean less to God because grace protected her from sin?

The Immaculate Conception shows that God could, in theory, protect each person from the contracting the taint of original sin. An argument as to why God allows His children to contract original sin is ...
Stuart's user avatar
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From a Roman Catholic view, after God creates a soul, does He let the soul to choose if they want to enter a body? Can a soul refuse to be embodied?

The Catholic Catechism says this: 366 The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God - it is not "produced" by the parents - and also that it is immortal: it does ...
Stuart's user avatar
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Could God allow all people to be born without the stain of original sin, as He did with Mary? [duplicate]

God was able to prevent Mary from being born with the stain original sin. If God can do this with one person, He can do this with everyone. This suggests that God forces everyone but Mary, against ...
Stuart's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, Does God create each new individual with original sin?

According to the Catholic Catechism, every spiritual soul is directly created by God. At the moment the individual is created by God, does it have original sin? Or is original sin added later?
Stuart's user avatar
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If the Immaculate Conception is true, then why can't God create everyone free from original sin? [duplicate]

The Catholic Church teaches Mary, from the moment of conception, was free from original sin by the grace of Jesus. If this is true (which I do hold), then why does God not create everyone free from ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, was Adam with Eve when the serpent tempted her?

Genesis 3 says that the serpent addressed the woman: Gen. 3:1 "the serpent […] said to the woman" Gen. 3:4 "the serpent said to the woman" Gen. 3:6 is that chapter's first ...
Geremia's user avatar
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If Mary could be conceived without the stain of original sin, why didn't God do this for all people? [duplicate]

If the Blessed Virgin was immaculately conceived without the stain of original sin and be full of grace so that she would not even want to sin, why didn't God do this for all people?
Suryetto's user avatar
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If baptism washes away original sin, why do women still get periods and pain?

Catholic doctrine states that baptism washes away sin including original sin. Well, periods and pains related to child birth are the punishment for original sin, at least for women. Why are we still ...
T.E.N's user avatar
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Just what does Infant Baptism accomplish as regards Original Sin?

The answer to this question indicates that the human soul is created by God, and without any lack of saving grace, at the precise instant that the soul is infused into the newly propagated human body. ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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According to Roman Catholicism, at what point does original sin affect the human soul?

CCC 366 teaches that every soul is immediately created by God and not produced by the parents. The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God - it is not "produced&...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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How to reconcile the original creation of every soul (Creationism) by God with original sin?

The Catholic Church teaches that (CCC 366), every spiritual soul is created immediately by God — it is not 'produced' by the parents. So, if every soul is uniquely created by God and is not produced ...
WolfgangP's user avatar
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How voluntary is original sin in Adam's descendants?

In this article, in the § "How Voluntary," the Catholic Encyclopedia goes into detail to show that Original Sin is somehow voluntary. But I don't understand the reasoning. Can someone more ...
bobic's user avatar
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What is the "remedy of concupiscence"?

The "quieting of concupiscence" (remedium concupiscentiae) is one of the secondary ends of the sacrament of matrimony (cf. Casti Connubii §59), but what exactly is it? How does it "...
Geremia's user avatar
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Why don't Catholics believe that Christ's atonement removed Original Sin?

Original Sin is the Catholic doctrine that all human are born sinners due to the inheritance of the sin of Adam. However, Jesus Christ atoned for the sin of mankind. Therefore, one would assume the ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Do Catholics believe that Mary mother of Jesus is as holy as God?

Note: This question is not to prove why this is wrong rather to find out if this is an official teaching of the Catholic Church. Do Catholics believe that Mary mother of Jesus is as holy as God? If ...
Siju George's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for Jeremiah and John the Baptist being born without original sin?

I am reading The Life & Glories of Saint Joseph, by Edward Healy Thompson, which was first published in 1888. At the start of Chapter VII, in which the argument is made that Joseph was born ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Did St. Joachim prevent the transmission of original sin to Mary by overcoming concupiscence?

St. Joachim is known to live a pious and humble life. If St. Joachim lived according to God's will and followed His inspirations in making a marital procreative act with St. Anne under the grace of ...
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13 votes
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If God could make Mary sinless, why not anybody else?

In this thread one of the answers states that Catholic tradition has Mary as sinless from conception (if I read it correctly). I don't want to sound flippant here but this begs the question: if God ...
Seamus's user avatar
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What is an overview of the similarities and differences between the Catholic doctrine of Original Sin and the Reformed doctrine of Total Depravity?

Upon a cursory examination, both the Catholic doctrine of Original Sin and the Reformed doctrine of Total Depravity seem to say that mankind is by default separated from God. What is an overview of ...
Andrew's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, is Adam or Eve more culpable for original sin?

From a Catholic perspective: Is there a shared culpability between Adam and Eve for original sin, or is only Adam or Eve ultimately responsible? Please, link answers from Catholic sources. (You can ...
Quidam's user avatar
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Immaculate Conception: Why was it necessary for our Salvation?

According to many Catholic apologists, like Dr. Robert Sungenis,1 the dogma of the immaculate conception of Mary is not simply binding because it is a divinely revealed dogma, but according to them it ...
Destynation Y's user avatar
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Does God cause the punishment or is that the effect of his absence?

Genesis 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. Romans 5:12 Therefore, just ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Following the Doctrine in Council of Trent, does God give a soul to human at conception deprived of sanctifying grace?

The Catholic Church teaches, as St. Thomas Aquinas explained, that God intended our first parents to give their descendants the blessings of original justice. When they lost the gifts, however, they ...
jong ricafort's user avatar
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From a Dogmatic Catholic perspective, what is the eternal destination of an unbaptized embryo?

This dogmatic statement from the Council of Trent makes it Crystal Clear that we inherit sin from Adam. If any one asserts, that the prevarication of Adam injured himself alone, and not his ...
aska123's user avatar
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What is achieved by baptism in Eastern Orthodoxy (compared with Catholicism)

In Catholicism, a big part of baptism is the idea that it washes away original sin. As I understand things Eastern Orthodoxy denies original sin, so I'm wondering what the significance of baptism is ...
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If baptism cleanses original sin then why do the children of baptised parents still need to be baptised?

Why do the children of the parents who were baptized need to be baptized? The parent's original sin was removed by their baptism so they shouldn't be passing it down anymore. Or how does it work? Is ...
Grasper's user avatar
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How is the Vulgate rendering of Romans 5:12 explained (Roman Catholic perspective)?

The Greek text (Textus Receptus) of Romans 5:12 reads: δια τουτο ωσπερ δι ενος ανθρωπου η αμαρτια εις τον κοσμον εισηλθεν και δια της αμαρτιας ο θανατος και ουτως εις παντας ανθρωπους ο θανατος ...
guest37's user avatar
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In what sense was Mary born without original sin in Roman Catholic dogma?

Is the following quotation an accurate explanation of Roman Catholic dogma regarding Mary? The reason that Mary is “full of grace,” the Church has said, is because of Ephesians 1:3-6 (Redemptoris ...
Travis Osman's user avatar
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Why doesn't God remit everyone of original sin in Catholicism?

I know that in Catholicism, Mary didn't have the original sin. If God had the power to do this, why didn't he do this with other people?
Qwedfsf's user avatar
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According to Catholic doctrine, do our fallen, finite nature and our relationship with God set us up for abusive relationships in this life?

We are created in the image and likeness of God, and are therefore acting in accordance with our true nature when we strive for self-emptying love, as we imitate God and Christ in so striving. ...
user23693's user avatar
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What was St. Thomas Aquinas's view on the difference between punishment accorded to original sin and punishment accorded to individual sin?

Many different thinkers in Catholicism have proposed different theories regarding what original sin is compared to individual sin. From this, different theologians have thought that original sin ...
Manwe Elder's user avatar
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What is the difference between original sin and original guilt?

This is a question that every convert to Eastern Orthodoxy always asked. The question can be stated differently: Does the Catholic doctrine of Original Sin include Original Guilt? Fr. John Romanides ...
Adithia Kusno's user avatar
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What does it mean that baptism "erases original sin"?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states regarding original sin: Human nature has not been totally corrupted: it is wounded in the natural powers proper to it, subject to ignorance, suffering ...
Mr. Bultitude's user avatar
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How do Catholics reconcile a metaphorical Adam and Eve with Original Sin [duplicate]

It is known that many Catholics believe that Adam and Eve is a story better left to the metaphorical imagination, rather than literal interpretation (though other denominations may feel differently). ...
Joseph Orlando's user avatar
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How does the Catholic Church reconcile evolution with original sin?

According to Catholic doctrine: all men inherit ancestral sin from Adam; God descended upon Earth as the Son in order to free mankind from this sin, was crucified, died etc. From the Catechism of ...
giucal's user avatar
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Trying to understand Original Sin in light of OT

From what I understand so far, is that Adam's sin of eating from the tree is past down and everyone born has this sin on their record. This Sin is only washed away if one is Baptized, so if a child ...
user1361315's user avatar
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How does Original Sin come back in man even after being washed at the time of baptism?

According to Catholic thought, if we are washed of Original Sin at the time of baptism, why do we transmit Original Sin to our children? In other words, how is it that my child is born with Original ...
Collin Mathew's user avatar
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How could a sinless Mary die?

Ignatius Theophorus's answer to this question about the assumption of Mary states: In addition, there is an ancient document which actually relates the death of Mary and the assumption of her body. ...
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Why is the word ‘concupiscence’ so important in understanding the difference between a Catholic view and a Protestant view of ‘Original Sin’?

I have noticed this word ‘concupiscence’ a lot while studying Catholic Theology. It seems to significantly change what ‘Original Sin’ means, making a Catholic meaning of ‘Original Sin’ very different ...
Mike's user avatar
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What is the Catholic biblical or canon basis saying some moral works without grace (transient or permanent) are good (or not have the nature of sin)?

I am trying to clarify the difference in my own mind between a traditional Catholic and traditional Protestant view of grace, specifically in terms of the 'works of unbelievers'. It seems hard to ...
Mike's user avatar
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If Genesis is not to be taken literally by the Roman Catholics, what is the basis of the original sin?

According to this answer, Genesis is not to be taken literally by the Roman Catholic church due to the scientific evidence contradicting it. In this view, what is the basis of the original sin?
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