Questions tagged [noah]

A Patriarch best known for building an ark and surviving the flood

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On Inferring That the Redeemer Will Spring from the Race of Shem

We read in the book Complete Bible History: From the Creation of the World Down to the Death of the Apostles, page 16: When Noe awoke, and heard what had taken place, he cursed Ham in the person of ...
DDS's user avatar
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Death becomes her?? But in real life

I’m doing some research if you could help. Question 1 How Is living a long life (900+ years) like some of Seth’s descendants not a direct sign of divinity. I’m not super religious but the grouping I’...
Sixers's user avatar
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What is the "violence" (Gen 6:11) that prompted God to bring on the Great Flood during the time of Noah?

In Gen 6:11, the narrator says, "The earth was filled with violence." It is this "violence" that moves God to plan the Great Flood. The 2014 movie, "Noah," dramatizes ...
Aaron Milavec's user avatar
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According to SDA understanding did Methuselah preach just before the flood?

According to one comment from EGW (SDA) in Genesis 6 she lumps Methuselah and Noah together as having preached to the people prior to the flood. Here is the following quote from EGW on her comment on ...
collen ndhlovu's user avatar
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Was it on the basis of the devastation of the flood that man was allowed animal flesh?

Genesis 9:3 NASB 3 Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I have given everything to you, as I gave the green plant. In the narrative in Genesis 9 after the flood man is allowed to ...
collen ndhlovu's user avatar
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Was Noah and/or his family fully or partially descendant from Cain?

The patrilineal lineage of Noah is, according to Genesis, descendant from Seth. However, Genesis doesn't mention anything about the wives of those fathers, nor does it mention anything about the ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Can Christians still eat meat with blood in it? [duplicate]

These are the verses in question that prohibits eating meat with blood in it: "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an ...
AngelusVastator's user avatar
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Understanding of "clean" and "unclean" animals before dietary laws

In Genesis 7:2 we read Of every clean beast thou shall take... Up until this point God never revealed the basis for His distinction between clean and unclean animals. Does it mean the ...
Tiago Martins Peres's user avatar
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Repetition of "and he begat sons and daughters:"

While reading Genesis 5, we can read the development of human race from Adam to Noah, bridging the gap between the two. During that passage, there's an expression mentioned often (...) and he ...
Tiago Martins Peres's user avatar
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Why when all are separated by mans sin was Noah chosen?

Why, if all are separated from God because of Adam's sin, did God choose Noah? Why be merciful to Noah's descendants if all are separated by sin?
Elizabeth Smith's user avatar
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How do Covenant Theologians explain the Noahic covenant?

In Covenant Theology, the Covenant of Grace is a singular overarching covenant God makes with his people. The various Biblical covenants are understood to be expressions or administrations of this ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis that Noah died just before the birth of Abraham?

In its article on the decline of human life spans, CreationWiki states, Interestingly, Noah died only two years before Abraham was born. Unfortunately for readers they provide no biblical support....
Andrew's user avatar
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Why was Ham cursed for seeing his father naked? [closed]

In Genesis 9:22-25, Ham's son Canaan was cursed because Ham saw his father (Noah) naked. The punishment seems excessive indicating there is more to the passage than meets the eye. What did Ham do to ...
Missionary Tripplett's user avatar
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God promised never to do an event such as the flooding ever again. How can judgement day happen then?

God promised never to do an event such as the flooding ever again. How can judgement day happen then? Wouldn't that break the promise?
WhatIsOutThere's user avatar
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Where does the tradition come from that Noah's sons went separate directions?

I have heard in many places, and was even taught as a child, that Noah's sons, sometime after the Flood, separated and went North, South, and East to repopulate the Earth. The story is commonly used ...
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Why wasn't Noah's wife name revealed? [closed]

How do Catholic theologians explain that there is no name for Noah's wife? She is mentioned multiple times in the book of Genesis and she kept everything in order in the ark for 12 months, so I think ...
Elberich Schneider's user avatar
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Pre-flood Rock Monsters? Modern Noah Mythology? [closed]

How did the "Noah" movie decide to include rock monsters depicted as fallen angels? (helping him, nonetheless!) This is one of many, many biblical deviations the movie makes, but I'm curious what ...
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How many of each species went onto the Ark?

"The animals went in two-by-two, hurrah, hurrah!" - we're taught this nursery rhyme from a young age, and go throughout life believing that one male, and one female of each species was present on the ...
Matthew Layton's user avatar
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Why is the line from Seth to Noah often called righteous?

The line of descendants from Seth to Noah is often called righteous, in comparison to Cain's descendants who are called evil. This comes up when discussing Methuselah who although he died in the year ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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Was Noah a Prophet?

I am kinda confused about prophets. I've searched a lot, but still I can't find an appropriate answer. The Question: Was Noah a prophet? and if he was; Was Noah prophesied in the Bible or ...
Max's user avatar
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Was incest allowed by God before? [duplicate]

Did God allowed incest before? Did Noah and his family committed incest? If yes when did God start forbidding it and why? If no, how did Noah and his family repopulate the world and how about the risk ...
FFCoder's user avatar
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What is the relationship between Gabriel and Noah in LDS/Mormon teaching?

In the summary of Noah on the site, it states that Joseph Smith taught that Noah is, in fact, the angel Gabriel. How exactly is this believed to have progressed? Did Noah exist as an angel ...
Narnian's user avatar
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Where did Noah find polar bears and penguins in Palestine, according to those who accept a global flood?

According to Christians who accept a literal global flood, how could animals accustomed to thriving in extreme temperatures be found in a common place for preservation aboard the ark?
Ryan's user avatar
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What is the significance of Noah, after the flood, getting drunk and cursing his son who saw him Naked? [closed]

A strange passage in the beginning of Genesis contains the account of Noah who, after surviving the flood, planted a vineyard and made wine. After he drank the wine and became drunk one of his sons (...
aceinthehole's user avatar
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