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Questions tagged [names-of-god]

Throughout the Bible, God is referred to by a variety of names and titles. Use this tag for questions about the meaning and/or use of those names/titles. It can also be used for questions about titles given to Jesus.

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68 votes
14 answers

Does Jesus ever claim to be God, or the son of God?

While I understand there are many potential passages in the Bible of Jesus claiming to be a messiah (which I understand to mean "anointed"), a king, or one through whom it is necessary to know God, I'...
kinofrost's user avatar
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50 votes
7 answers

Is saying "Oh My God" really using God's name in vain? [closed]

It's become habitual for me to say "Oh my God" in a situation where I am shocked or surprised, as I'm sure it's become for a lot of people. I said "Oh My God" in the presence of a friend of mine once,...
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30 votes
4 answers

Why is Jesus named the Prince of Peace instead of the King of Peace?

In Isaiah 9:6, the child to be born will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall ...
Narnian's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

What are the different names of God in the Bible and what do they mean? [closed]

I see that our current-day Bibles only refer to God as LORD. Can you explain to me what the different names of God are and what they mean?'s user avatar
25 votes
7 answers

Why does Jesus refer to himself as the "Son of Man"?

Why does Jesus refer to himself as the "Son of Man"? This is similar to Why does Jesus speak of himself in the third person?, but I am specifically looking for an explanation of the "Son of Man" ...
Mike Pone's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

If Jesus was Emmanuel why was he named Yeshua?

It was foretold that a virgin shall give birth and the new born will be named Emmanuel then why was Jesus named "Yeshua". (Isaiah 7:10) Please explain...
Albert's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

If Jehovah's Witnesses believe they should use Jehovah to be accurate why don't they use Jesus' real Hebrew name?

I think everyone knows that the name Jesus is Greek, but why don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses use his Hebrew name, which is closer to Joshua than to Jesus?
Frederico.34's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Why does Jesus speak of himself in the third person?

There are a number of places where Jesus refers to himself in the third person. The most common is when he uses the title 'Son of Man' (by my count, there are some 78 times Jesus uses that title in ...
Stephen McDaniel's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Why is the word 'Lord' in all caps in the OT but not in the NT?

My friend asked me the other day, why is the word 'Lord' in all capital letters in the Old Testament but not the New Testament? I tend to lean towards the fact that the OT was written in Hebrew and ...
Rachel's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Is there any biblical justification for referring to God as Mother?

On one occasion, I heard someone prayer, "To God, our Father and Mother." In The Shack, the Trinity is represented as three persons, where God the Father is a woman. Is there any biblical ...
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Does the divine name YHWH (יַהְוֶה) apply equally to all Persons of the Trinity? (Catholic/Nicene perspective)

According to the Catholic Church (and other Nicene Churches), does the divine name YHWH (יַהְוֶה) apply equally to all Persons of the Sacred Trinity?
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

To what extent does mainstream Christian doctrine teach that knowing a spirit's name gives you power over it?

A while ago I was at a resort with a man who for many years worked as a church painter. He introduced me into some pieces of Christian doctrine. He told me that the humans' souls, the angels, demons ...
Anixx's user avatar
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6 answers

Why is Jesus occasionally referred to as "The Christ"? Is there a different definition between the two?

I've occasionally heard of Jesus Christ referred to as "The Christ" and the phrasing has always struck me. What are the differences (if any) between referring to him as Jesus Christ versus "The ...
STW's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Why did the KJV translators translate יהוה on the extremely rare occasion as IEHOVAH rather than LORD?

The KJV translators almost always translated the Tetragrammaton into English as "LORD" (all capital letters). For example, in Deut. 6:4: But, on the rare occasion—extremely rare—they chose instead ...
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12 votes
3 answers

What is significant about the title of "Son of David" that was attributed to Jesus?

The Book of Matthew begins by identifying Jesus with the title of "Son of David": The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Matthew 1:1 NAS At one ...
Narnian's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What name was used by Peter for Baptism?

We know that Jesus gave this command. Matthew 28:19 (NIV) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, ...
Mawia's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What are the good Bahasa / Malay / Indonesian words to refer to the Christian God?

Recently there has been a ban on the use of the word Allah to refer to the Christian God. What are the good alternatives to the word Allah in countries where it is banned? I heard Tuhan is one of ...
tech's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What is LDS policy/teaching on not taking God's name in vain in languages where it is extremely common?

Latter-day Saints, like many Christians, are encouraged to not use phrases like "Oh my God!" because they are seen as violations of the commandment to not take the name of God "in vain." However, in ...
lish's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the relation between the Logos of Greek Philosophy and the Logos in Christianity?

The first known mention of the "logos" was by Greek philosopher Heraclitus who lived around 535 - 475 BC. The idea was subsequently developed further by other philosophers such as Aristotle. The ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What is the Catholic explanation as to why God has revealed himself in "male" terms?

The Catholic Church teaches that God is neither man nor woman. CCC 370 In no way is God in man's image. He is neither man nor woman. God is pure spirit in which there is no place for the ...
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8 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't 1 Timothy 5:21 indicate that angels are part of the Godhead?

I was doing a little historical reading, and I read a little John Biddle (an English Unitarian). He makes the argument that the phrase "in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" ...
david brainerd's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

YHWH translated to Jehovah 4 times in KJV but not elsewhere... why? [duplicate]

YHWH is regularly translated as LORD in English translations of the Bible, including the KJV. I grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness and this was regularly used as a way of proving that they knew God ...
Balloondeprived's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Isn't "Jehovah-Jireh" (and other such names) just the name of a place?

It seems like many of what are referred to as the names of God are actually the names of places that have been dedicated to God: Jehovah-nissi - Moses built an altar and called that it Jehovah-nissi (...
dleyva3's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the name of the Eternal Father worshipped by Latter Day Saints?

I understand that Latter Day Saints believe all human beings, male and female, are the spirit children of heavenly parents – a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother. Those spirit children progress by ...
Lesley's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses cite William Barclay as to the identity of the speaker in Revelation 22:13 knowing he believed it is Jesus?

This is according to the article, Who or What Is “the Alpha and the Omega”? which also says, "This term occurs three times in the Bible. Revelation 1:8; Revelation 21:6; and here at Revelation 22:...
Mr. Bond's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How do Trinitarians explain the Athanasian Creed saying that the "one God" is the Trinity rather than the Father as in the Nicene Creed?

In Scripture and the early Creeds, "one God" is used primarily to refer to God the Father: 1 Cor 8:6 (NIV): yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is the 'Ho' in Hosanna! connected in any way to the 'ho' in Jehovah?

While studying Jesus' name and the prophecies fulfilled or reiterated by Gabriel when he addressed Mary to announce the expectant birth, I was led to praise, and the Bible word, "Hosanna" came to mind....
MutluAnne's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

In Catholic theology is Yehovah the Father or all three persons?

When reading the Hebrew scriptures and one encounters a reference to Yehovah, does that map in the NT to the Father? Or to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? For example, in this passage can we be ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Current views about whether it’s appropriate to refer to God as "It"? [closed]

I have recently read in a book about some debate around the fact that God is considered a masculine figure (He/His) and that we should find gender neutral of expressing the same ideas. In my native ...
Alexei's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

What is the Biblical basis for concluding 'Jesus is Yahweh (Jehovah or LORD)'?

Of course Christianity believes Jesus is God, but I am interested in this question for the argument that Jehovah (I AM), the name of God which later Jews were not allowed to speak, is a term not ...
Mike's user avatar
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3 answers

Why did Saul name two of his sons Eshbaal and Merib-baal?

A common practice in ancient Israel was to incorporate god's name when naming a son. Two of Saul's sons have interesting names: Merib-baal and Eshbaal (A later redactor changed the names to ...
user4951's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Why would Jesus begin to be called the Son of God?

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. (Luke 1:35, NIV) This verse seems ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Do reformed theologians call "God the Father" Jehovah?

"God the Son" is generally agreed to be Jesus. Do reformed theologians agree that "God the Father" is Jehovah, or is this only something claimed by the denomination calling themselves Jehovah's ...
unregistered-matthew7.7's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

According to Jehovah’s Witnesses what does the name Immanuel mean in light of their belief that Jesus is a created being and not God?

This article goes on to say, Without accurate knowledge, we may become ensnared by false teachings promoted by God's opposer, Satan the Devil. Therefore, if a doctrine contradicts God's Word, if it ...
Mr. Bond's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do any denominations teach that Moses was talking with three distinct beings in the burning bush?

A recent question says: The number three in the bible is significant. … Three persons are associated with the burning bush which Moses saw (Jehovah, Elohim and the Angel of the Lord). Exodus 3:1–6 (...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is Jesus the only son of God?

I am a new Christian and I am reading the Bible. I have the following question: About the "son of God" that has been mentioned in chapter 8 verse 14 of Romans, how can a person be "led&...
Vahid Afsaneh's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

What is the significance of Jesus saying "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending"? [closed]

All Scriptures are quoted from the King James translation. Four times in the Revelation Jesus uses that phrase(they are all in red letters): Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ...
BYE's user avatar
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3 answers

Why was Jesus called the King of the Jews?

In Luke 23:38 it is written, There was a written notice above him, which read: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS Why was the notice placed at the crucifixion proclaiming Jesus to be King?
77 Clash's user avatar
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Why do Jehovah's Witnesses make the Old Testament forms of address to God ("Jehovah" and "Father") more important than "Abba?"

Jehovah's Witnesses believe God is the Father whose name is the Hebrew YHVH, the Tetragrammaton, which was the name the Apostles called on to be saved. However, after calling on the name to be saved, ...
Revelation Lad's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why do some Christians bowdlerise words like "God", writing "G-d" instead?

Some Christians bowdlerise words like "God", writing it as "G-d" or even "G d". This practice is likely inspired by the Jewish practice to do similar. But while some Jews explain their practice as a ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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1 answer

What was the early-Christendom position on attributing pagan names to Christian concepts (mainly god)? Was there opposition to doing this?

In the ancient times, the newly-converted European cultures naturally reused their native "pagan" words to refer to some of the newly-acquired Christian concepts, rather then re-inventing the wheel. ...
Seninha's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

God said in the Bible: ”I am who am!” What does that expression mean?

”I am who am!” What does this expression mean? God expressed Himself like so in the Bible. But what I want to know is what does it mean? What is its intrinsic meaning?
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4 votes
4 answers

According to Latter-day Saints, Jesus is Jehovah in OT. Therefore do they view all the occurrences of the Tetragrammaton as referring to Jesus?

Lesson 5 in the "Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel Teacher Manual" (link) has the title Jesus Christ Was Jehovah of the Old Testament. In the introduction this lesson says that: In ...
Dee's user avatar
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2 answers

How do Jehovahs Witnesses understand Jesus inheritance of Gods name

Hebrews 1:3-4 reads: the Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, ...
Abijah's user avatar
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1 answer

Where does the word 'Eloheim' originate from?

Elohim being referred to as the Father whom is a God When one speaks of God, it is generally the Father who is referred to; that is, Elohim. - God (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)....
Oliver K's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are the other names of God not used in Christianity?

The Bible has lots of names and titles for God: the Tetragrammaton ("YHWH"), Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, Yah, Adonai, HaShem, Adoshem, YHWH Tzevaot, as well as Adonai, Baali, El, Elah, Eloah, Elohim, El Roi, ...
The Freemason's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

According to Protestantism why did God choose the persona of a Father?

Throughout the Bible, God uses the persona of a Father. Jesus specifically refers to God as Father, and us as his sons. Why is it significant that God is a Father? And why did God choose the nature ...
Bluephlame's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Where in the Biblical narrative does God first reveal himself as the only living and true god?

It seems upon course consideration that God has always taught that he is the only actual God. But upon closer inspection, it appears that God reveals himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as "El ...
Andrew's user avatar
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What are the reasons for having special names for God/ Jesus?

I was watching the "Truth Project" (a religious DVD) and the speaker kept referring to "Jehovah Jireh". A recent answer here makes a reference to "Yahshua Ha-Maschiach", whom we have to infer is ...
pterandon's user avatar
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Abraham, Moses and God's names

In Exodus 6:2-3, why does God tell Moses that He is "the LORD" and that He did not make himself known to Abraham as "the LORD", but only as "God Almighty"? In Genesis 12, when God called Abraham to ...
Kram Isterpf's user avatar